
Comments by Lapaholic

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do You Dance?
    "weddings are probably the only socially acceptable time when a geezer like me can have fun with hot young chicks and get away with it." LOL - that is so true .... I have had on occassion stepped out on the floor while in Hyannis for golf outings. I was even asked by a young-ish lady to dance ( poor girl ) .. But that was an exception... Use to be a couple of strip clubs I frequented where u could dance with your fave. Never did - it looked too pathetic.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    TUSCL's Idea of a Good Review
    I always mention names when talking about laps. Never thought anyone would get in trouble. But then again I never have gotten "extras" so I guess what I describe is within the limits and generally, I just say whether the lap dance was good or not. I think its nice to have names so we know who to check out when we go to a club we dont know. Also - I usually read the reviews of a club I will be reviewing so if a member has written about the clubs layout or appearance, for example, I wont repeat that unless it was wrong or something has changed.