
Comments by lurkingdog (page 2)

  • review comment
    2 months ago
    A listless Tuesday evening at Cox's
    @Jascoi - yeah, I think being a regular definitely helps. . .
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Watch the girls intently
    Would you consider sharing the ROB's name so others won't be taken in with her bullshit?
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    4th of July Bust
    Wow! Farah seems like a piece of work. Thanks for the heads up
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    New Jersey
    Bia Nice Time
    So Jack, I just read your previous review on Tatianna since you mentioned above that she requests a "premium". Is that extra $60 on top of the $30 dances for just the "typical" PH activity or does that get an extended menu?
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Quick hands
    How the hell did she get to your wallet? Was this your first time to a strip club (I realize it is your first post -- or is this just a story to get a month of VIP)?
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Bigger and busier than you’d expect in WV
    And this is the first and only review from this account. . .
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Fun and lively club
    Non-player character
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Better than nothing, but not nearly as good as 10-15 years ago
    Your last three reviews are all on this place and you comment repeatedly on the expense of the lap dances saying that you won't do that again. . . . yet, apparently, you do. Are you hoping that something will change or just a glutton for punishment?
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Finally a positive experience here
    Accurate review based on the one time I went to this place as well.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    You had to be here on Fridays. Will be back again.
    ^^ And this is the reviewer's first/only review. . . .
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    More of a dive bar
    First and only review. Five lines long (SMH). . . .
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Parts Unknown
    Much Better Second Visit but Buyer Beware
    Based on my (one time) experience and the comments of others, I think that $85 for 15 minutes is pretty standard and then negotiations for additional fun start from there. As to how much of the $85 the club takes, I'm not certain. There are girls who will make the additional tip worth it.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Not what I expected
    Agree with LVclubber, c1958s, and Bamaeight -- I had a difficult time following your free flowing narrative.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Kandy’s Slow Night (visit 3 of 7ish)
    @mjx01 -- keep up the good work. You only have 4 more visits to go and 3 months to do it!
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Good VIP lap dances but the quality of the girls just too low
    Your only other review is of this same club and your conclusion is similar. Do you write reviews about other clubs you visit (such as the NYC strip clubs that you mention?). Inquiring minds want to know.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    North Carolina
    Sunday night in Tampa
    Wow! You spent $300-$500 just getting floor dances. That's pretty steep.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    First night opinion
    And it was his first review - just trying to get VIP I suppose. . . .
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    First night opinion
    ^^^ This didn't help me at all, unfortunately
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    When Your Choices Are Limited You Do What You Can
    You are totally right about options being limited in North Central PA. I've never had VIPs but the lap dances are usually one way touching only, monitored by bouncers, and accordingly fairly low mileage. In my experience, the "free beer" (with $20 cover) is dispensed (and must be consumed) on the back porch i.e., you can't take your cup in and drink while you're enjoying the dancers. I think it was Mich Ultra.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Would do Woody's one more time.
    @muddy - three armed guards outside!! Your reputation is catching up with you, Muddy!!
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Upscale, yet Unpretentious
    What does "gg egg" mean?
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Two at a time
    Very interesting. This poster has 4 reviews (the other three clubs are many steps down from this high-brow establishment) and all of the narratives are very similar to this one. A single paragraph with some prices mentioned but no real first-person account on what he did -- except for this one. In his first review, he says he's not into extras and on this review he takes two girls back for FS. I'm with @Finntasdick on this one. . . .
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    The VU VIP Experience
    Agree with you -- that would have been a very disappointing VIP experience for most all of us. . .
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Most fun VIP girl?
    You don't have any reviews and this place hasn't been reviewed for months. Not sure what discussion you're trying to start.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    VIP Client sleepovers
    I noticed that the OP has exactly 0 reviews and 1 discussion to "his" credit (this one)