
Comments by SDIgroup

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Woman charged with raping man
    That's because the LBHA's (liberal bleeding heart as-ho-es) are rnining this country. Hope you ejnjoy your 'stay'. I (personally) live in a place where justice still prevails... SDI
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    20 years ago
    Niceass sit down before you read this........
    That's pretty 'cute' of the 'Reverend', now don'cha think? And downright innovative if I do say so myse'f. Of course, there are plenty of us (single and otherwise) who could really give a sh-t if the Rev' sends a hundred postcards to the house. If he wants to waste other folks hard-earned money doin' it and if'n they's don't mind, I say more power to 'eem! 'Sides, I might just take 'eem up on his'n offer to visit t'old church one'a these days. Didn't say I would sit kindly tho'. I might just be up to seein' who'sn is in the congregation so's I might just hap'n to notice when they's is out at the local saloon havin' one too many with the strippers! Now wouldn't it be sumpin' if'n the church wuz ta git a postcard 'er two themselves?!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What is the best strip club city in the U.S.A.?
    #1, hands down: South Florida; preferably Palm Beach and the areas nearby. Why? Excellent selection of females because of the wealthy male populace, full nudity and (of course) beaches! #2, Treasures, Houston, Texas. Have visited clubs worldwide and without a doubt this one tops any list. #3 and below are not located in the United States...