Joined Sep, 2004
Last Seen Jun, 2018


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist had been absent from the Circus for a while, so he visited last week for an update. What could possibly go wrong,…


Red Room
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist has been touring the Block in search of new adventures of late. A number of favorite dancers have moved on/moved out/moved up/moved…


Club Pussycat
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist notes that long-time bartender/manager George has been moved from the night shift back to daytime three days a week. Someone said that…


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist recently visited the venerable Circus for the first time in several months. Not much has changed... same mostly tired and disgusted dancers…


Jewel Box
419 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist hadn't visited the Jewel Box for some time so decided to make a stop on a slow Tuesday. Not much changes -…

Henry the VIII Lounge
1715 Middlebelt Rd
Inkster, MI 48141The Blockist strays from his home port of Baltimore about once a year to commune with Motown buddies. This wasn't his first visit to…


Club Pussycat
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Pussycat is one of the few Block bars with a history extending back into the early years - only 2 owners in the…


Red Room
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Red Room is one of the Block's most consistently patron-friendly clubs DURING THE DAY. Like most clubs, its personality usually reflects the personality…


Red Room
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202In the Blockist's opinion (and what else counts in my reviews) the Red Room continues to be near the top of the Block club…


Jewel Box
419 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist remembers when this was an upscale venue with really great dancers and tolereant bartenders. Recently, the Jewel Box has become just another…


Indulge Gentlemen's Lounge
403 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202,Each week brings a new dimension to the transformation being undertaken by the Hustler Club owners to the downstairs Little Darlings club. The latest…


Club Pussycat
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist has been very busy lately - he has only been able to work out one or two trips to my favorite part…


Club Pussycat
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist visited the Pussycat in the context of a random search for a favorite dancer with enviable talent in providing Block-oriented services. Sho…


Flamingo Lounge
409 E Baltimore St, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA*Taps are in order. The sometimes brilliant, often maligned Flamingo is no more. As of today, the basement club that was once the men's…


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202After quite a long time near the bottom, Circus has drifted to the top of the Blockist's list. Laid back, good attitude check, mix…


Red Room
411 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist has been a pretty regular participant in the "Red Room Experience" for a long time with consistently positive reviews, but he most…


Chez Joey
415 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD
21202I've reviewed Joe's Place in the past. Things tend to be more somewhat more variable at this club that in a lot of other…

Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141The Blockist has developed an affection for Bogart's over the past several years on his annual pilgrimage to Motown. I hung out (figure of…


La Chambre
14110 Telegraph Rd, Detroit, MI 48239, USA*The Blockist returned for his annual Motown visit, and naturally stopped for "lunch" at The Room. It seems that some of the intimacy/privacy of…


Flamingo Lounge
409 E Baltimore St, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA*In reviewing my reviews, it appears that I have been slighting the Flamingo in favor of some other clubs. Although I'm "down the Block"…


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202The Blockist mentioned in my last review that a perfect storm was brewing at the Circus. As with most Block clubs, such events are…


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202As always, the atmosphere at any of the Block clubs can depend greatly on the time you visit, and staff changes are the norm.…


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202It seemz like the old needle and thud plague is hitting more of the bars on the Block recently. At least three of my…


Circus Bar
427 E Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21202It's unusual for the Blockist to be out after dark - needing my beauty sleep as much as I do puts me in an…


Plaza Saloon
408 E Baltimore St, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA*There seem to be two bar business strategies. The hands-on-by-owner places typically have attractive entertainers but not much action - these seem to be…