Joined Oct, 2004
Last Seen Sep, 2008


The St. James
555 Rankin Rd
Houston, TX 77073$10 cover, no longer accepting hotel keycards--bummer. Girls are still very pretty and sexxy, many with big titties. Most girls were focused…


Scarlett's Cabaret
5841 Bunkum Rd
Washington Park, IL 62204Nice Club, relatively clean. No cover, but waitresses insist on selling a drink right away. Girls will come sit with you, but…


Shady Lady Lounge
2800 E 12th St
Kansas City, MO 64127no cover was nice, but getting one of the girls to pay attention to an out of towner is a challenge. One dancer…


Solid Platinum
2740 W T C Jester Blvd
Houston, TX 77018late last Wed night I visited Solid Platinum. Just happened to see it while at the intersection--it doesn't stand out too much, but…


Paradise Saloon
26197 Chieftain Rd
Lawrence, KS 66044hard to find but nice hangout. couple of young girls with the tiny asses, few girls with tattoos. One girl with huge…


Rhonda's Place
10528 Page Ave
St. Louis, MO 63132local bar with pastie girls dancing--girls are 4-6's. Lots of tattoos, if you are into that then its ok. No touching but…


Centerfolds Houston
6166 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77057Short but good visit here--I paid the cover and was checking my change to put away and was felt up by a tight latino…


Rick's Cabaret Houston Intercontinental
1040 Ronan Rd, Houston, TX 77060, USA*Some of the biggest titties I have seen in a long time. Some of the girls will sit topless with you. Beware…


Baby Dolls Fort Worth
3601 FM157
Euless, TX 76040Wow, incredible Titties a couple of Saturdays ago, but problem was, everybody had prior arrangements with regulars. Still, I enjoyed the sights--I suppose…


Gold Cup
5225 Bingle Rd, Houston, TX 77092, USA*Nice club layout, very smoky though. Have to get through Metal Detector at the door, can't bring cellphone with camera inside. Once…


Sam's Hofbrau
1751 E Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021Interesting club if you like it well lit. One girl at a time goes topless briefly in the centerstage. Amazingly guys…


Legs Cabaret
8307 Gulf Fwy
Houston, TX 77017Went here on a Wed night, the area looks rough outside but inside seems nice and ok. paid $5 cover and after I…


Lipstick Cabaret
10859 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, TX 75220Stay away from LeeAnne! Went on a Saturday, was very slow which is my favorite time, LeeAnne sat with me for a long…

The Crazy Horse
980 Market St
San Francisco, CA 94102$10 to get in with coupon wasn't bad, forgot I gave the manager $20 bill, but he caught up with me to give me…


Club Onyx Dallas
2200 Manana Dr, Dallas, TX 75220, USA*Nice Club, open atmosphere, Thurs nights are the best--not too crowded but plenty of girls. Seems like the later in the evening the…


DG's Club
2117 W Northwest Hwy
Dallas, TX 75220What a skankhole this place was--filled with pimps, feels very unsafe for a white guy. But on the positive, the few white girls…


8307 San Lorenzo Dr
Laredo, TX 78045Went here on a Thursday afternoon 12-9-04, place was dead. Marquee advertised no cover $5 dances and no 6 foot rule, only problem…

Baby Dolls
10250 Shady Trail
Dallas, TX 75220
Went here on a Thurs night--what a great place! Plenty of nice girls with nice shapes. Waitresses very friendly and will sit…


Lipstick Cabaret
10859 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, TX 75220Out of the way type of club, very friendly girls! Sugar was especially nice, humongous black breasts-whew! I have only seen her…