
Comments by Junkman

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you care how much she weighs?
    Yes, I do. When I go to Strip Clubs I generally look for exceptional Women. I generally prefer Petite Women and those mean Women no taller then 5'7" and no heavier then 130 lbs. At the same time I dont like Anorexics. So generally she should be at least 92 lbs. To me, if I cannot be able to carry her without pain then she is within my desires. I have noticed that lately (At least in my area) Dancers are generally packing on more and more weight. I think Clubs should stop hiring the heavyweights and insist on Women who are agile, flexible, clean, slim but not bony, at least some intelligence, polite, practice good customer service and who actually enjoy their job. However, I did know a CPL. Hutchinson from the USMC who loved fat women. His dream was to have a fat woman engulf him. That meant having a nude, fat woman stand at the end of the bed while he layed spread eagle on the bed. The fat Woman would then fall on top of hime completly engulfing him in her fat. To CPL. Hutchinson that was a fantasy that he so much wanted.