
Comments by Wildrose

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    20 years ago
    Example of a driver high of drugs?
    They stay behind a car to help them stay in focus. The car ahead of them helps him to concentrate on the road and the speed. As long as he is behind someone he feels he can get home safely without going over the speed limit or getting into a wreck. Following the lights on the car ahead also keeps him from weaving too far off the road. So, being that this is his safe guard to arrival at destination unhurt and undamaged, no matter how many mph the car ahead slows, he maintains staying behind where it is safe. He knows he's far beyond himself to be a safe driver at that time. This is his only crutch home while he's lost his mind. The worst that could happen in this situation is a wreck that could cost the life/handicap of himself or another. So in the mind of the problem driver, in having no other way to get home, this is his safest bet. It's easiest for this problem driver, in his inibriated state, to follow someone else's tail light. Although, the absolute best method for him is to find another way home.
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    20 years ago
    Example of a driver high of drugs?
    It is seriously dangerous out there. What a story. That was real nice of you to do that. I remember once I was driving home from work one night and made the turn into the complex where I lived and my lights flashed right into a woman's eyes who was trying to walk home. She was swaying for some time and finally fell to the ground. I was like "oh my gosh". I got out my truck and went over to her. She was an older lady. I reached out for her hand and talked to her asking how she was and if she was okay. Not that she could really answer but I picked her up off the ground and she asked if I could take her home. I told her to tell me where she lived. Evidentally, she lived in the same complex. She knew where she was, she was just having a hard time getting there. She handed me her keys cause she couldn't get her own door open. I opened her door, sat her down on her sofa, asked if she would be okay and told her that her keys were on her table and walked on home. I felt bad for knocking her out with my lights. It put her into a dizzy spell. She was on something. But I was glad it happened with a person who cared enough to go the extra mile and not take advantage of a woman.
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    20 years ago
    Which would you prefer...
    Thanks so much for the responses :) They were great. I love them all. They were very insightful. It is interesting to understand how men feel and view women and life. Thank so much....Smiling with the responses :)