Comments by mark94 (page 79)

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    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Inflation Part 2
    “Got the same package at the 99 center store for $2.49.” You might check the expiration date on the batteries. That’s one reason the 99 cent store’s prices are lower.
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    3 years ago
    Post Covid SC
    In Phoenix, the only lingering affect I’m aware of is the shift from veteran local dancers to a combination of newbies and travelers. As someone who prefers a small number of favorite dancers, this was a big negative.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    In a stunning admission for a government official, Canadian Justice Minister David Lametti admitted the political motivations for seizing bank accounts during a television appearance today. Minister Lametti told CTV News today, citizens identified as supporting President Donald Trump are subject to “de-banking” as part of the Canadian government’s official target identification process. During the segment, Justice Minister Lametti hedged and dodged questioning about what terms and conditions the Canadian government is using to instruct the RCMP and financial institutions. However, after equating the Trudeau order to the same principles around terrorism, the ‘Justice Minister’ finally said: ...”If you are a member of a pro Trump movement who is donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to this kind of thing, then you ought to be worried.” What exactly Donald Trump has to do with middle class Canadian citizens asking their government to drop mandates is unknown. But the statement itself from the Justice Ministry of Canada speaks quite loudly to their political motives.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Here’s a fun fact. It has nothing to do with this thread buts it’s interesting. All 5 major banks in Canada are now offline. Trudeau said he was going to freeze funds of anyone supporting the truckers. As a result there have been massive withdrawals from Canadian banks. Trudeau has crushed consumer confidence in the banks in less than 48 hours. Some ATMs are still allowing cash to be pulled out but going empty. The bank has now locked up EVERYONES funds! This is what’s known as a bank crisis.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    ^ Criminal referrals were made to the Attorney General. How is Biden’s Presidency going ?
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Dr Phil I posted an article that listed several lies about CoVid. I don’t think anyone has countered any of those contentions. You seem to think you’ve won the debate because using logic something like -Mark claims there were lies/mistakes - Mark has supported Trump in the past - Trump was President when some of those lies were told - Therefore there were no lies The contention of this post was “ there were lies”. You haven’t disproved that. Your argument disproves a claim ( that I never made) that “Trump was blameless”. So, you’ve won a debate based on a lie about what I’m arguing. Ironic, huh ?
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    I see the health bureaucrats testify to congress and I want strangle them. They never give a straight answer. They believe that nothing is their fault. They speak in some sort of coded language where it’s impossible to understand what they are saying. Still, their arrogance and smugness come through loud and clear. Their only real skill is avoiding blame for anything.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    From the Babylon Bee U.S.—The nation is preparing to celebrate what has become a beloved annual holiday: Two Weeks To Slow The Spread Day, to be held in March every year. "This time of year we like to come together to remember the historic day two years ago when we put on masks and locked ourselves down, trusting that the lockdown would be over in just two weeks," said local man Paul Christof as he stared out his window longingly, his three masks securely in place. "This year, I'm going all out with a Zoom party with no more than five of my closest friends—I mean, closest, figuratively speaking, of course. We'll be literally far apart, because I want to stay home and stay safe, and I don't want grandma to die." Traditional festivities for the newly christened American holiday include remote Amazon gift exchanges, ordering DoorDash feasts for just yourself, and the customary binging of the Netflix. Historians believe the holiday will become a hit, and people will continue to wear masks and stay home throughout the year as the festive day is celebrated for hundreds of years to come.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    ^ What color is the sky in the fantasy world where you live ?
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    “Make your mind up. You claim vaccines save lives but are useless and don't help lmfao“ Make up my mind ? Better yet, how about you improve your reading comprehension ?
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    There is essentially zero probability that a healthy teenager will die from CoVid. There is a small chance that a healthy teenager will die from myocarditis caused by the vaccine. Also, we know that the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. So, why are school administrators mandating the vaccine for teenagers ? Follow up question: Where did administrators get their medical expertise allowing them to overrule parents and the child’s physician ?
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Me: Vaccines saved many lives in the categories that were most at risk. They don’t do much for healthy, younger people who were never at risk. Icee: why do you oppose all vaccines ?
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    “In Maryland 27% of deaths and hospitilizations over the past year have been vaxxed. 39% of confirmed cases have been vaxxed.“ And, the average age of death of those who died from CoVid, nationwide, was 82. From this, I think we can learn that vaccines are helpful for senior citizens ( though less helpful than we were promised ) but accomplish very little for healthy people under age 65.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Here’s another experience that points out the politicization of the CoVid response. You may recall that the vaccine was ready to go by September/October 2020 but the FDA delayed approval until after the November election. No new information was provided. The bureaucrats simply delayed. Then, a few months later, the vaccine became mandatory and you were cancelled if you didn’t get it.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Here’s what we should have done. Exactly what Sweden did. Encourage older people to isolate. Encourage vaccines. Other than that, allow everyone under 65, and healthy, to carry on with life. Beyond that, focus much more time identifying treatments and encouraging their use, rather than putting all your efforts into vaccines. The pro-vaccine bureaucrats literally prevented the development of treatments. I have a feeling that Big. Pharma had something to do with that.If we’d put just a bit more focus on treatment, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    “Mr. Mark said everything about covid was a lie.” Actually, I think the article lists 3 lies. Maybe 4. But they are doozies. Sure, Trump was President for some of the lying. So, he gets some of the blame. Most of the blame goes to that skunk Fauci and about 100 other bureaucrats in the Government. Plus plenty of blame to Governors and bureaucrats at the state level. Our government is filled with power hungry politicians and bureaucrats who manage to be incompetent and corrupt at the same time.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Fuck Mike Pence
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    ^Thanks for proving my earlier point “ Rather than dispute the lies listed in the article, those opposing it have arguments that amount to “ You’re an idiot”. “
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Actually, the next big Hoax is taking place this week. The Russians won’t enter Ukraine. Biden will claim it’s because Putin is scared of him when the reality is they never planned to go in. The only person saying they would was Biden.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    I think you only need to wait a year, assuming Republicans retake Congress.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    I heard there would have been a billion deaths if not for the vaccines and masks. I don’t have any proof of that but I believe it. See, that proves vax deniers are morons.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    Rather than dispute the lies listed in the article, those opposing it have arguments that amount to “ You’re an idiot”. That’s the left’s Achilles Heel. They are certain they are smarter than the Neanderthals on the right. So, they don’t need to understand or debate the issues.
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    3 years ago
    Looking back at covid
    One of the victims of the last 2 years is the inclination to always “ trust your doctor”.