Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club
Calle Coahuila 2009
Zona Nte., Tijuana, B.C.
Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club Reviews
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Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
3 years ago
hit 4 for 4 but should have had more plate appearances
After 18 months of basically being confined at home due to the pandemic, I ventured back to TJ and one of my favorite places on earth, the Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club, last month (Aug....
West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
3 years ago
hk, my number one source
Arrived Sunday (8/8) about 8:00 pm, because my flight was delayed. Planned to stay at Hotel Cascadas through Wednesday. Didn’t want to be there before 3:00 because they have been sticky about not allowing...
3 years agoby