Green Light Lounge
3503 7th Street Rd Louisville, KY 40216

Green Light Lounge Reviews

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  • review
    3 years ago
    Incident and Temporary Closure
    I popped in late Saturday night (5/29) for a nightcap. The place was pretty full, with nearly all of the bar and stage/floor seating occupied; several patrons were standing, posted up against the wall....
  • review
    3 years ago
    Post pandemic days
    Have been in here three or four times since the post pandemic reopening. Always on day shift. Usually 4-5 girls working. Mostly AA and Latinas, but a couple of white girls. ...
  • review
    3 years ago
    The Green Light Updated
    Nobody's reviewed the GL in a while, so I thought I toss in a few sense of what its like in COVID world. Well, lucky for us visitors, the infection rate has lessened...
  • review
    5 years ago
    Only the girls change here
    If they ever spend any money on fixing this place up, it will be the first dollar spent fixing this place up OK, the old: pretty much everything in this place. Same...
  • review
    5 years ago
    Run Down and Disappointing
    I can’t remember the last time I hit this club or what made me choose to go there on this night but I’m sure I won’t be going again. It has a big, well-lit...
  • review
    5 years ago
    Day shift visit
    Stopped in here a couple of weeks ago in the afternoon. The place hasn't changed and will probably not change until it burns down. Barstools are still some of the most uncomfortable...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Interesting night for sure
    Was bored and figured I would try out one of my OLD haunts. I had not been in the place in probably 10 years and amazingly it had not changed a bit. ...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Keep driving
    I decided to give this place a try - I’m always willing to try a place at least once. The other reviews are fairly spot on. When I arrived (around 8p) 3 dancers on...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Buyer beware
    OK, I have been here many times and reviewed this dive often. And I have had success here in the past. But about two weeks ago I left here disappointed and may...
  • review
    6 years ago
    Should probably be called Green Mold Lounge
    This place is the most expensive club on 7th Street. And, in my opinion, the lowest value. I go in here once in a while, maybe every couple of months, to see...
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
  • review
    6 years ago
    There Is A Reason I Come To This Dive
    OK, after a couple of aborted stops at other clubs I made a couple of stops here. First on a Monday evening. New bartender. She looked somewhat familiar so she may...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Afternoon of meetings in looeyville ended early and I got the urge to check out the afternoon SC scene in SDF. Headed up 7th from Churchill area and remembered GLL. Parked in...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Not perfect 10s but very eager to please
    This was my 1st and 4th (5th if you count trying to go to Thorobred only to find them closed at 1am) stop along 7th Street tonight. I got there around 9:30pm the...
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
  • review
    7 years ago
    A night visit
    OK, I found myself free on a Sunday evening so I decided to go exploring. Made my first night time visit here in many, many years. I have reviewed this place before...
  • review
    7 years ago
    What a difference a couple of weeks makes. Had a little bit of time to kill today and found myself in the Shively area, so I thought I would drop in. Erica...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Saturday and other days
    Been in here a couple of times lately and the place is going downhill. And didn't think it could go much further down. The day shift girls here have always been hit...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Intro to louisville
    Went to this club and two others to get a feel for Louisville clubs since I am new here. Wow! Glad I don't have to stay living here. One club was a dump (lamplight,...
    Allentown, PA
  • review
    7 years ago
    Recon Visit
    This is a very old run down dive club. I arrived just a little after 2pm no cover. As you enter the bar is to the left of you. Stage is center, A warm...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Same old club
    So stopped in here around 1:30 Monday afternoon. Place looked deserted. Had a seat. Bartender I had not seen before. While sitting near VIP area I heard voices coming from...
  • review
    7 years ago
    Wonderful Blonde
    When I walked in about 8:30 last thursday, I thought this was another 7th street bust. But then a lovely little blonde sidled up to me. When the bartender asked if I wanted...
  • review
    7 years ago
    First time here, place was a...
    First time here, place was a little crowded. Grabbed a beer and wandered looking the place around. Not sure if girls were friendly or just a lot of regulars but no girls...
  • review
    8 years ago
    The more things change the more they stay the same
    I have had some good times here in the past, and some not so good. Stopped in back before X-mas. Anyway, the club hasn't changed. Still a dump. Still no...
  • review
    8 years ago
    I was in Louisville, had never been to any of its clubs, and thought I’d do some recon. On this Friday afternoon, the pickings were pretty slim. GL was the second...
  • review
    8 years ago
    A quick visit
    Was in the neighborhood, so swung in here to check things out. Maybe someday they will spend some money upgrading this p-lace, but I doubt it will be in my lifetime. Three...
  • review
    8 years ago
    Delayed report........I have been here twice
    Sorry for the delayed entry.... I passed through Louisville a few months ago. it was a Sunday and most of the clubs were closed so I settled on the first one with an open sign. Big...
    back in NC