Rejected Review5 yrs agoclosedFantasy Island12905 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077, USA*Closed its goneDon't waste your time it's dead and gone this club has shuffled off the mortal coil it's gone that whole shopping center…
Review8 yrs agoclosedFantasy Island12905 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077, USA*Fantasy Island another make it rainJust another hip hop influenced make it rain club with nice looking chicks giving half ass efforts with 1000s on the floor. It is BYOB and stays open to 6am damn near…Barnyardpimp9
Review9 yrs agoclosedFantasy Island12905 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077, USA*No girls, no booze, no funAs stated before, the club is in the corner of a run down strip center. I got a free entry coupon for this place a few months ago and filed it…edwardviiTexas
Review10 yrs agoclosedFantasy Island12905 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077, USA*The strip mall this club is...The strip mall this club is located in is a tad sketchy. It is located next to a 24 hour spa, which has a lot of creeps coming in and out of.…moneystacks
Review10 yrs agoclosedFantasy Island12905 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077, USA*The place is in a corner...The place is in a corner in a shopping center on Westhiemer. The venue is larger than I expected it to be. When I walked in there was not a lady in…mellow116Texas