Discussion2 mos agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153frankfurterheadJordanJordan still around?
Discussion2 mos agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153ManuellaboreNyaIf, like me, you’re into hot Brazilian MILFs who are also smart and have a good command of English, Nya could be right up your alley. I swear she looks better every…
Discussion7 mos agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153chimera422Damn.......LineupNot sure if this will work https://scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/454698869_1043349924182347_4546116017339748247_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6ImltYWdlX3VybGdlbi4xMTI1eDIwMDAuc2RyLmYyOTM1MCJ9&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=fOgNFfE7gMsQ7kNvgE6kVdf&edm=APCB0h8BAAAA&ccb=7-5&ig_cache_key=MzQzMDIyMjE1NTgzMzY5MTg2OA%3D%3D.2-ccb7-5&oh=00_AYCPiNtlsfflp2R73h4W0T9-F5kOCrqXx9zMcsk3LOBsww&oe=66BB0ECC&_nc_sid=849a81
Discussion12 mos agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153chimera422Damn.......Nude days at OasisSee them advertised on the clubs IG occasionally. Anyone gone? Are the dancers nude all the time, or do they strip all the way to nude during their sets?
Discussion2 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153Dabadass84Summer of 2021'I live in Northeast so Oasis isn't really my go to spot. Summer of 21' my friend suggested we go to Oasis on account of him giving a dancer a ride home…
Discussion5 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153NeobwhMarylandSale to Cheerleaders?Anyone know about rumor they are selling out to Cheerleaders at end of July? Any changes planned? Hope they don’t start allowing smoking and VIP keeps as private with extra possibilities.
Discussion5 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153amroth525Pennsylvaniaprincesswhat ever happened to princess from here did she land somewhere else? heard she left
Discussion5 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153meinnjPennsylvaniaBest valueWho is good to go in the back with? I went with Alexa and was pretty good but a little pricey
Discussion5 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153Phillyguy80MarylandVirgo still here?It’s been a while since I’ve been in here. There was a Latin girl that worked here that was kinda short and wore glasses usually and went by Virgo/Vanessa. She…
Discussion6 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153jaggerishWhere have all the good times gone? Does 40ish Puerto Rican Madison still work here? I knowDoes 40ish Puerto Rican Madison still work here? I know her as Mia from Babes in Atlantic City. If so, does she do extras?
Discussion6 yrs agoOasis6798 Essington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153dancewdcpaAroundMaya is now calling herself Melania. Nothing else changed aboutMaya is now calling herself Melania. Nothing else changed about her..