
Angels' Management Cans Toothpicks . . .

Sunday, November 23, 2008 9:15 PM
Hung out at Angels yesterday and I learned that supposedly management has taken a zero tolerance position toward too thin dancers. Reason? The given reason is that it is an attempt to discourage drug abuse among dancers. With the hard times it seems like more dancers in this area are turning to drug abuse as the answer.

It's funny I never saw the toothpicks as a problem---one whale could conceal 10 of 'em easy.


  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    You could take 'em out to dinner ...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, that is positive thinking. :)

    This one young girl was mouth-watering beautiful and she got helplessly hooked, needle marks and all. Somehow I got the very strong feeling she wasn't interested in food at all----or maybe the 300+ pound blubber blobs were stealing her food.

  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Yeah, don't fall down the "I can save you" hole, its slope is slippery and it's rather deep.

    I find "spinners" delectable, to the point that women who probably are "overly skinny" from a strict health perspective are visually and tactilely more pleasing to me, than a girl who is "naturally" slim. I can't help it, I won't try to change it, but I do recognize that this preference means that I skate on some awfully thin ice sometimes.

    The school I'm at right now has a girl who is clearly and obviously anorexic. The school is a high-pressure program -- law! all about the exams -- and she just blithely strides into class without any body fat, day after day. Weirdness. We try not to stare. And yet, there's something ... delicate, grip-able ... about her body. Yeah, it's too small. But you could throw it around so GOOOOOD ...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I have no problem helping people (men and women) and losing money in the bargain, but I don't delude myself that I'm capable of saving them. I can provide *extremely limited* help that hopefully will give them a little extra time to help themselves.

    I don't expect success or appreciation, but it is worth helping, imo.

    With the drug addiction (if it is addiction) it is very difficult for me to have empathy for because I haven't found any drugs that are addictive. Sure *some* people are capable of being addicted to alcohol, but my guess excluding the relatives on my mother's side is that only a relatively small minority of people can be addicted to alcohol. IOWs, for most people chocolate ice cream is more addicting and more health threatening than alcohol. I believe the situation is similar with the other supposedly addictive drugs. Cocaine is another joke of a drug as far as addiction for *most* people, imo. Now, abusing drugs because of a negative environment or health problems that is easy to empathize with.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Sure, you're talking about the "psychological" aspects of certain rather non-addictive drugs on the spectrum. I've heard however that nicotine and meth aren't just "psychologically" but also PHYSICALLY addictive, so something else is going into the mix. I'd be tempted to be more sympathetic to someone who got started on heroin and has been "trapped" by it for a long time, for example, than someone who "had a drinking problem."

    Nevertheless, I too have only limited interest in most addictive substances. Alcohol kind of bugs me, makes me vomit or feel annoyed and itchy; but then I can go on a real bender. I enjoy going on a bender. It's not like I "can't resist" going on a drinking binge. I CHOOSE to drink when I drink. I've never been so arrogant as to say, "I can't help but drink." That's not true about me. I CAN always choose not to drink.

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi Book Guy,

    I thought both alcohol and cocaine were *supposed* to be PHYSICALLY addictive. And, I think they are to some people. It is like how some people are deathly allergic to peanuts; I guess that means government needs to wage a War on Peanuts.

    Alcohol was considered a serious enough problem that a constitutional amendment was enacted prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

    Interesting how the government didn't decide to go nutso over possession or consumption of alcohol. The nitwits who went around killing people, destroying stills, and building a prison state probably thought they were fighting for our freedoms or fighting crime or some such government manure.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I'm thankful I've never tried one of the massively physically addictive drugs, like heroin. I hear it "gets into your head" that you want another hit immediately ... and forever. Don't want that dangerous stuff near me.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Sounds like a good plan for you Book Guy.

    I'd love to try it out under a physician's supervision to see if it is actually addictive. The only reason I never tried it was because those needles looked nasty. :) Yep, I'm a wimp.

    Yes, I've seen people you appeared to be PHYSICALLY addicted to to one or more of the following: alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin. Addiction isn't a pretty sight. From personal experience I don't know if crack or heroin is addictive and I sure as hell wouldn't believe the government or an addict for that matter.

    Based on personal experience alcohol is a joke and cocaine is a joke. The best thing about alcohol? It adds flavor or burn or jolt. The best thing about cocaine? It seems like hot women love the stuff. Seems, imo, as dangerous as alcohol. Crack? Seems like only blacks like the stuff from what I can see and not all blacks in any case. Heroin? I've never met any non-addicted Heroin users, but then I haven't many Heroin users period.

    The 2 that stick in my mind of any positive note at all were a husband and wife of the counter-culture. Very bright, very interesting people. Both claimed if given the choice anew that they would choose to use Heroin. I would say they both (especially the husband) were poster board material for saying NO to Heroin. Another man was a real mess. If he didn't get his Heroin, then he was in great pain going over the deep end. He HATED Heroin dealers with a passion and said it would have been better if the dealer had just blown his brains out. I asked if he knew Heroin was addictive before he tried it. He said he didn't believe it was addictive because the other drugs that are supposed to be highly addictive aren't addictive at all. I said they're addictive to some people. He said yes, but he wasn't addicted at all to the other drugs.

    I might be just like that man except those needles look nasty. He was in my face because I don't support the government's War on Heroin. I told him if he needed the government to dictate to him and others in that manner then he be better off with his head blown off. A tough guy, but surprisingly he backed off.

    Yes, the drug dens almost as much fun as the strip clubs and a hell of a lot cheaper. :)

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Speaking of addiction the pinball and video arcades were very tempting----not as much as females or chocolate, but still something to desire greatly.

    I use to hang out with this young stripper/hooker at this massive pinball and video arcade. She loved all the games and was the proverbial kid in the kandy store. I liked precious few sort of how only a few strippers really get my rocks off.

    I don't remember the names of any of pinball machines. I doubt there were even 8 that gave me any pleasure. The one that drove me crazy happy was removed after less than a month. The damn owner claimed it was because it was always breaking down---the machine never broke down. The negative from the owners perspective is that you, or at least I, could play it for hours? Seemed like hours and I was always the high score. Damn, I miss that machine. The stripper loved watching me play that one and when I played too long she'd start distracting me---I'm easily distracted when it comes to hot women.

    Later came the video machine Berzerk which did break down too frequently. The stripper and I both loved that game, but she never beat me even though she was very good. :) The programming on Berzerk seems to have been changed/hacked? at different times and normally although the change/hack was positive there was one huge negative. At the very highest level it was game over in that the robots would shoot a massive number of rounds at once and there didn't appear to be a solution or skill to keep the player from being blasted to bits.

    Did some research on Berzerk on the internet and no one seems to mention the hacks or the inability to win at the very high levels. Anyway, it has been decades and I still think of that game. Maybe it was just the stripper/hooker that made it so good. :)

    There was something about light blue robots that were the highest level--not the machine that I loved. A player could play right thru the light blue robots to really fast lethal robots. As I said it only got to be a downer when it appeared there was no solution or skill to save the day. The highest level that I got to the game-maze would end in less than a second---perhaps it was half a second.

    Supposedly, there were 64,000 mazes. :) The pinball and video arcade shut-down and the stripper/hooker and I drifted apart. :(
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I'm kind of addicted to posting on internet bulletin boards ...
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi Book Guy,

    Thank you for the link. I've visited this site before when researching Berzerk. I had been trying to find screen shots (and a solution) of the highest levels of play when I discovered the light blue robots were supposedly the top and that their rate of laser fire wasn't what I remember at all. At the highest level it was like a spray of machine gun fire, with the laser bolts looking like dots instead of slashes. I probably should have checked out you tube. :)

    Anyway, I'm one of those dummies who downloaded Gator years ago after reading different articles praising it to high heaven and claiming it was easy to uninstall. What a nasty mess that was and it made me very nervous about downloading software. Despite my lack of downloads I still run into trouble---I think its name was Vocabulario or something like that. A paid program and to get rid of it (it wouldn't allow the operating system to load and blanked out the monitor) I needed to start the computer in safe mode. At least I got rid of it. Refund? No way, no how, never was their response. Fortunately, it was purchased via credit card so one call and that charge was history.

    Back to Berzerk. I think the machine I was playing had been hacked (good hacks, generally) on several occasions to make the game tougher. Tougher is fine, if somebody can win at that level. It doesn't seem possible: the maze opens and the humanoid is dead almost immediately. It is just a mass of laser fire---no chance at all to play. Anyway, a lot of different reasons why I've never attempted to install it on my computer. I was think about buying an old machine, but concerns about keeping it running and fear that it wouldn't be the same game, etc. kept me from taking that route.

    Also, the game probably isn't nearly as fun sans a hot young stripper who is really into those types of games. When she was stripping or hooking she'd be at the arcade. I was really crazy about that stripper. :) Still the Golden Rule is no pay, no play!

    Almost forgot. She loved to shoot pool, but just wasn't competitive with the men, no matter how many hours she played. She was one of the very few women if only woman in that pool hall----nasty as hell especially considering there was no eating or drinking. Just shoot pooling and blood would run.

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Correction: When she wasn't stripping or hooking she'd be at the arcade.

    As far as being addicted to posting---yes, at one time on a different board. Now, I need to try and remember that it is a good idea to post in order to keep my fingers limber and trained as well as trying to keep the old vocabulary intact. :) The neighbor child is adding new words at a prodigious clip, while I struggle not to lose 'em at a similar clip.

  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    As with most of my "addictions," I've found that I'm often able to ignore the interest in the drug or behavior quite easily when something else is going on in my life. I have had some stints in my life when I had "too much" free time, for instance -- living as a graduate instructor, for entire summers without an ongoing research project. All I had to do was "tide myself over" every day, with internet browsing or playing sports or working out. I'd get involved a LOT in hookers and drinking and traveling off on hour-long trips to the nearest whack-shacks and strip clubs where extras were available. I'd build my life around it, leaving town on a Thursday evening for a three or five hour drive, getting all organized with the stuff like lube and condoms pre-packed in the car and the different smoke-proof (easily washed!) clothing. I spent a lot of good time at Fantasia in Richmond Hill, north of Toronto, and on the highways of Southern Ontario seeking out clubs where the hottest high-mileage high-service girls were.

    But if I have a job or a high-pressure school program going on? I don't even really think about going out to monger. I have the same amount of 'free' time, in the sense that I could just not bother with schoolwork and accept the C or even the F, but I choose not to. I'm more interested in going to the library to study. So, it's not that I "am addicted" to mongering; it's, that I have NOTHING BETTER going on in my life. Same with smoking and drinking and posting on the web. It's what I do when my life is going nowhere. When there's a plan, I have little problem sticking to it.

    In fact, I haven't been around the TUSCL discussion boards much lately because I've been so busy with Contracts and Torts. This holiday weekend, I'm taking a little break. But I probably will be departing again soon, as exams are just around the corner. My interest in web-board mongering (or real mongering) takes an "automatic" back seat to class. See you at Christmas time!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Sounds about right as long as you aren't physically addicted.

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