Brad's Brass Flamingo4011 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203

Please tell me Your RANKINGS of Indianapolis Strip Clubs AND/OR INCLUDING the BARE MINIMUM being ATTRACTIVE female faces?
Please tell me Your RANKINGS of Indianapolis Strip Clubs AND/OR INCLUDING the BARE MINIMUM being ATTRACTIVE female faces?
You just joined TUSCL this month and your first post is to request we all cough up our collective wisdom, borne of years of experience and financial investment, to simply set at your feet!?
First, RTFF. Then, add your own reviews, articles, discussions, and comments. Third, if you have any specific questions, please ask WITHOUT ALL THE CAPS!
Brad's is normally at the top but I was there last Saturday night and was unimpressed by the strippers. Indianapolis strip clubs now have too many overweight strippers. Next to Brad's I like Dancers, the Pony, and PT's