Pinellas Unicorns

Let’s start by saying Oz is my fav place in the world. But it has really fallen off lately. Cubans have completely taken over. Used to have a nice mix of girls and now 95 % Cubanitas. Also a lot of rip off artists like Talia who isn’t even that hot will entice you to go to VIP and then just keep upselling with no effort on pleasing the customer at all. Day has always been better than night. But now it’s hit or miss on Pinellas between Diamond Dolls (drug loving divas), Atlantis (mostly fat nasty Cubans), Reighn (golden pussy syndrome girls) along with all the other little places in a ten mile radius that alll suck. Sad state of affairs. What you need to do is find the unicorns at each club and keep a rotation. But there aren’t many unicorns left.
I agree with finding the unicorns. Fortunately, there are still a few Oz day girls who qualify. And with Alissa behind the bar serving happy hour drinks, all is still (mostly) right with the Emerald City club. I just wish they'd bring back the complimentary lunch buffet, but apparently there were too many fuckin' freeloaders.
Oz is one of my two current faves, Cheetahs Pompano being the other. Between the Pinellas DD and Pompano DD, Pinellas is just terrible. The last few times I have been to Oz have been a slow start with a few gems emerging over the course of a couple hours or longer. Strip clubs are not the kind of place where you should need to be patient. The one time I was at Reign, I only found one girl to spend time with. She did not have GPS, but it seemed like there were cameras in every corner and there would be limited mileage at best.