
Cuban Immigration Reform?

Avatar for CarlitosPeligro

Any chance the trump admin will do anything to roll back the special status of Cuban “refugees” who at this point have birthed 3 or 4 generations since the revolution? But we still treat them like special status ”refugees” and not just economic migrants? Let’s “normalize” relations with Cuba, including normalizing the amount of power a small ethnic enclave in South Florida exercises over the Republican Party. I love Cubans I just think the whole idea we can’t have normal diplomatic relations nor normal immigration policies is stupid. Castro’s dead. Let’s move on.


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Avatar for CarlitosPeligro

Waiting to hear who will oppose this just because Obama started it.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I haven't seen any reason to think Trump will normalize relations with Cuba. He rolled back Obama's normalization steps.

Avatar for Icey

I couldn't care less about them but they definitely should stop receiving special privileges.

Avatar for mogul1985

@CarlitosPeligro: Only Dems/Liberals oppose just because a GOP POTUS did it.

If current LAWS, not ExOs, are followed, what's the concern? ExOs are a different story as some are political like stopping the Keystone Pipeline which is way better that trucking or using rail (to transport crude from Canada or The Wall to open the Southern Border for UN Mass Migration.

Railroad Accident: These numbers come from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) safety data reporting "train accidents"

  1. 2020 - 1,529 train accidents, including 1,085 derailments and 165 collisions
  2. 2021 - 1,697 accidents: 1,162 derailments and 171 collisions
  3. 2022 - 1,704 accidents: 1,164 derailments and 173 collisions
  4. 2023 - 1,644 accidents: 1,143 derailments and 159 collisions

2020 to 20924 Illegal Southern Border Crossings: ~15M (no one knows, it could be higher).

Every legal immigrant needs to be properly vetted, and Chain Migration needs to be "chain-sawed". AND, every expired visa holder needs to be tracked down, told to leave back to country of origin within 7 days (get the 7-day advance plan purchase so I don't look like a "Mean MAGA supporter") and the re-apply for a visa. They need to get real with their visa (and our enforcement) before it expires, including "students". if they go all Karen, even more reason to boot as they are probably doing bad stuff.

You should have just stuck with the original question: "Any chance the trump admin will do anything to roll back the special status of Cuban “refugees” who at this point have birthed 3 or 4 generations since the revolution?"

Sound harsh? Too bad. Congress has passed 30 Major Immigration Laws since 1776 and 1,000s of amendments, regulations, and policy shifts. All this needs to be cleaned up, they are as messed up as bad as the annual Spend the Federal Gov't does.

14thA, Section 1:
Take special note of “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” – this means the JURISDICTION WHERE THEY ARE A CITIZEN OF. Argue all you want, the SC will more than likely take this up. No more “Birthing vacas to the USA to get citizenship.”
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Chain Migration and "Birthright" are a huge problem. Chain Migration was enacted by Dems in ~1966 and assured all in Congress the number would be "small". Illhan Omar (D-MI) married her brother to get him a citizenship, she a Somali Refugee US Taxpayers' paid to resettle her in Michigan and she PISSES on America - ungrateful SNOT. She gets re-elected due to the Balkanization of her District that is dense packed with refugee Somalis.

My sister-in-law is a "Peter Pan Baby" (Cuba), and her parents moved the Cuba legally back in the late 1950s are Commie Castro scorched Cuba. I'm sure you know what this is, and even she wants this mess with Cuba stopped. Just because you like Cubans doesn't mean they get a free pass into the USA, stripper or not. OH, if stripper tips will be tax fee, they best be real USA Citizens.

Avatar for CarlitosPeligro

LOL. I can’t tell what you think about the original question.

Avatar for CarlitosPeligro

BTW registered republican here for the last 35 yrs.

Avatar for CarlitosPeligro

And now that I recall that Marco Rubio is Sec State, the answer is no.

Avatar for nomadic1

Last night the club had at least three very hot Cuban strippers. If we deport them, our clubs will be hurting. Haha
I’ll tell you what pisses me off, eight years with Obama and four years with Biden. They did not do shit to improve immigration. They had a chance to solve it. They had a chance to do a lot of things and what did Biden do? 14 million illegals in. And they were fast tracking them to get the right to vote but not the right to stay. Immigration reform needs to happen. We need to be able to get people here and have them leave on a visa. All these special provisions for immigrants is garbage.

Avatar for mogul1985

@CarlitosPeligro: let me clarify:

  1. "You should have just stuck with the original question: "Any chance the trump admin will do anything to roll back the special status of Cuban “refugees” who at this point have birthed 3 or 4 generations since the revolution?" This sounds like you thought Trump would be taking "revenge". What he needs to do is end ExOs that damage American's potential for prosperity. Gov't doesn't create prosperity, people do, just get gov't out of the way and support reasonable legislation and enforce it. We have so many laws today that anyone of use could be charged with something if gov't wanted: "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime." This is mainly why the Epstein List has been buried.

  2. ExOs are just temporary from POTUS to POTUS. Any reform needs to happen in Congress, and Immigration needs to change. It's too expensive to migrate here.

  3. Need ag workers? Enforce current migrant worker programs, they do not qualify for gov't covered health/medical plans (employer needs to provide it), they pay all taxes American workers pay only they can't collect SS, Medicare or Medicaid.

  4. End "Birthright" citizenship unless one parent is already an American citizen, and it needs to be documented with DNA. If the other is here legally, fine, no laws broken. End these Birthing Vacations.

  5. No driver's licenses to people here illegally, and that includes expired visa holder, and no "Motor Voter" registration.

  6. If a visa is expired, time to go back and reapply. This needs enforcement.

Too many foreigners have been allowed to take advantage of America. At $36T debt with no end insight to growth, things have to change and quickly.

Avatar for mogul1985

Back to Cuba: The only way to normalize relations with rogue, dictatorship, police state countries is to help support ending their reign, and I don't mean another "Bay of Pigs." For example, Obama abandoned people in the ME during "Arab Spring", and Iran went on a brutal attack on protesters.

During the USSR's takeover of Eastern Europe post-WWII, we had Radio Free Europe broadcasts. And no, the NSA, CIA, "MiB" shouldn't do "nation building" as that has been a mess. We got Noriega out of Panama and Panama went to the CCP. Making economic deals with Ukraine and Greenland, as examples, that will benefit them and America is a reasonable approach to help spread American influence. Clearly, we are no where near perfect, however, we are better than Russia, NoKorea and the CCP.

So, the Cuban Police State needs to end before we take in immigrants by "the boat load", again, and do trade. We can spread influence via economics.

I lived in Miami during 1979/1980. The scene in "Scareface" with Cubans in detention under the Interstate was real footage from the Mariel Boatlift when Castro emptied his prisons and mental facilities and allowed them to leave. America is not a "refugee" camp, we need to know who comes here first.

Avatar for Icey

Venezuela emptied its prisons too. And sent them here

As for mental hospitals thank Reagan for putting all the crazed psycho veterans on the streets

Avatar for misterorange

"subject to the jurisdiction thereof"

Regardless of how one may interpret that phrase, it would not have been included at all if the intent was for "anyone born here" to be an automatic citizen.

The fact that a qualifier of any kind was put into the verbiage defeats the overly simplistic argument that "born here = US citizen, period".

Any legitimate interpretation must begin with the premise that there are limits.

Interestingly, those who refuse to accept a common sense view of birthright citizenship are mostly the same ones who want to regulate the 2nd Amendment into watered-down irrelevance.

Avatar for mogul1985

^ And accept gov't "fact checking", perversion and censorship the 1stA.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

@nom neither party has the incentive to do anything positive with immigration. Republicans find grandstanding about immigration to be effective in getting the votes of the stupid and hysterical, apparently about 30% of the US population. Non-hysterical people focus on their daily lives, and few people see immigration having that much clear impact on them. Both parties feel the pressure from business interests for more workers, the more desperate the better. The Democrats have a significant open-borders segment of their base. Who think it's immoral to even consider that open borders might make the US a flee-from instead of a flee-to country. Biden gambled that the immigrant paroles would keep the business interests and the open borders people happy, but also not be sufficient fodder for grandstanding. He lost his gamble.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Details of how Trump's immigration "policy" is just theater for cruel, hysterical idiots: apnews.com

Avatar for skibum609

^An article for "men" who wet themselves. Wah the poor criminals, wah. Give them some of your money asshole.

Avatar for CarlitosPeligro

Plus 1 for theater. So much of the political discourse is this. Get us amped to vote or donate. Either side.

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