2AM’er narrowly avoided last night

Anyone else in there last night get maced or whatever the hell that was?
I left to take a stroll and get some money over at the ATM in Jerry’s. Coming back I see the bouncers have just physically dropped 2 pl’s on the sidewalk. Shouting match continues for several minutes. Some other guy with body armor that says “security” on the back and a ski hood over his face is pacing around behind the upset patrons with his hand on his pistol. People are trying to get in the club so a little bit of a crowd has formed. I almost left but bet that this was going to settle soon but I’d be safer from stray gunfire inside.
20 minutes or so later I’m in the “vip” w a chica and the girl can see out over my shoulder says there’s a fight in the other room. There’s like 20 other couples and everyone then starts gagging coughing and sneezing like crazy and panicking. I go to the door but they have the door shut and are pointing people out the back door behind the bar. Best I can tell those guys came back and got in somehow and security might have maxed them or something. It emptied the whole place. Everyone was milling around out back coughing. I decided I should be gone and got in my car and left. Bad decision making. Should have been gone at the first sign of trouble at 2AM in that neighborhood.
I guess i survived a non-lethal 2AM’er?
last commentShould have been headed home by 1:30 like I had planned.
Glad it didn’t escalate. All the worst stuff seems to happen close to closing time.
A different kind of emergency but I did see any older guy laid out on the floor right in that club about 2-3 years ago. I think people were saying he had a heart attack. I left before paramedics arrived.
Wild night. I was wondering what club was like at closing, picturing more girls having drunk and patrons winding down drinks. Was it safe out back?
Did you remember to tip the chica before you headed for the exits?
That sounds crazy! I've never even seen a fight in that club.....but I'm usually there in the daytime.
Some guys weren't happy about being robbed.
If its not a cuban girls man trying to start shit. A drug deal gone bad. Its.... Someone complaining about jessies special girls robbing someome 😂 😭
They’ve been closing at 4 on weekends lately, I don’t know how they got licensed for that but about 230 a whole other element rolls in from closing bars
I’m checking out toxicas next time. I speak Spanish well, been to Cuba and enjoy sparring with the cubanas, this place is not for the average Vegas tourist.
Back lot was chill. Saw one of the bouncers there coughing and telling jokes. I bet they were back in business after airing out a while. Some low rent madam pulled up to me in a station wagon as I was crossing the lot to tell me that her girl in the passenger side likes me and wants to get to know me. Random. Never seen that before. Said tell her I like her to and kept walking.
Chicas is STILL the best overall value, way better than the other ripoff $60/dance garbage spots in Vegas!
The staff st chicas is garbage. I like it late nights the best. I miss what it was before the cubans though.
Chicas is less of a value than toxicas or cariñosas