I do NOT use Artificial Intelligence for reviews
Southern Libertine
This is for those of you who have seen my recent strip reviews. The Owl doesn't use AI. I actually use a combination of different techniques I have seen on this forum.
I will admit that I don't cover everything. Sometimes certain details get overlooked, especially when you are being tempted by multiple dancers. If some sentences seem SFW, that's because I am trying to "imply" certain things without being obvious to any legal authority.
I think I've been active enough that you guys know what I like and roughly what I dislike. If you have questions just private message me.
last commentYour reviews don't look AI-ish at all. AI reviews are easier to pick out than The Mountain among an African pygmy tribe. They all use euphemisms like "adult entertainment" and don't say a word about dance quality, the number of girls (usually referred to as "entertainers"), and definitely nothing about mileage.
There are some dildos here who will approve anything but that's a different problem.
You used a template for all of your reviews. Some people may confuse it with using AI. I don't particularly like it but I see nothing wrong with any one using one.
Glad you made it to Atlanta
I assume we're talking about reviews written by an LLM? How would one prompt an LLM like ChatGPT to write a strip club review?
The key things a useful review get's right are: o Where/how do you park and how safe does it seem to be. o Relative to the typical Walmart, how much of a need to be strapped do you feel in the club. o Names and notable physical characteristics of ROBs encountered. In general, any instances of bait-and-switch encountered. o Your impression of whether the typical best-case contact is air/one-way/two-way/extras, and basic costs plus typical expected tip.
For non-ROBs, I think it's best if you just say whether you'd repeat or not. Hopefully Bubbles can convince her SO that true love stops her from hiding the salami if you said it's an extras-available club.
If a review is comprehensible, and contains useful, correct info, who cares how the fuck it's written.
^ Unless the LLM got its dick ground on and sucked, it's worthless.
Maybe you can feed a review to ChatGPT and tell it to make it clearer. I don't see any problem with that, if it works.
^ Like I saw on LinkedIn (with resumes) there's a difference between something written with ChatGPT and something written by ChatGPT.
Using it to clarify language is great, but I'm not going to reject a review unless the language and formatting are so bad as to be incomprehensible. So it's probably not needed.
We've all seen the reviews that say "Write me a detailed review of Bada Bing."
Excessive spacing and sometimes lacking experiential specifics but honestly never once suspected AI lmao.
Sounds like you really made the rounds in ATL. Hell yeah man!
You know that only one person thinks you're AI, right?
Yeah, it's really easy for some peckerhead troll to tick a box to denigrate your review. So long as you got approved by the majority, fuck the troll.
Unless you’re reviews are not getting approved, what’s the point of this thread?
I am just making a statement. I do realize the reviews could use some fixing. Space removal, adding a few more dancer specifics, tone down on the food amenities.
In fairness, I thought the full menu was impressive since most clubs only have snack food at best. I'm definitely eating at the clubs with full menus in the future.
Hey I enjoyed your reviews. Thanks for posting them. Were pin ups dances high mileage? How does it compare to Vivide dances? I’ve never checked if out and I got the impression from previous reviews that the girls don’t put much effort into it.
Just because a review is badly written and impossible to read, does not mean it is AI.
@ gammanu
All I can say is something I mentioned to Founder already " Why is it so difficult to install an editing feature? "
Do you realize that editing would prevent at least 70% of the problem with most reviews?
I'll be more careful this time. Keep in mind that I have done less than 25 reviews. I'm still learning and this feedback is actually a blessing, because future reviews will edited more carefully.
Mileage is one of those things that can vary, because what one person considers high isn't enough for someone else.
Your review are pretty good. Don't sweat it.
@ PuddyTat
Thanks. Like I said, I don't go too deep into dancer description unless I know the dancer enough that it would not be a problem (like they have an Onlyfans or Instagram).
I just think some stuff should be left to the PM, we have those for a reason. My only regret is that I couldn't go to all 10 clubs. The parking fees were what I failed to account for. Once you pay for $20 parking you should probably just stay.