@Owl - your reviews are great, no matter whose format you take. No one has a copyright on a format; if someone steals mine, I take it as flattery. Some idiot once downvoted my review saying I plagiarized the format--which turned out to be my own.
Things like interior only matter insofar as they affect the experience. If it's a run down shithole, if the VIPs aren't private, if it's hard to see the stage, if there's only one dinky bar, it's good to know. No one expects you to note the placement of every chandelier.
As a reviewer, I care about 3 things: the girls (number, look), the prices, and the mileage.
Something I noticed about Huntsville vs Atlanta clubs. Parking is typically free at every Huntsville club. Special events never charge for parking. Entry fees are also reasonable even during promotions (Maybe an extra 10 dollars).
Atlanta clubs tend to charge for parking everywhere, even non adult entertainment venues. The trade off is that the dances in Atlanta are much cheaper and generally they give you more control on how much you spend.
Typical Atlanta VIP is 60 for the club plus X for whatever you want for the dancer.
Huntsville VIP normally start at 150 now. This is regardless of what she does.
It creates and environment where guys want to stick with who they like and dancers have no incentive to try harder. It doesn't help that only 2 clubs actually allow full nude under the right circumstances.
last commentEspecially for a club like Vivide that’s reviewed every week..
Things like interior only matter insofar as they affect the experience. If it's a run down shithole, if the VIPs aren't private, if it's hard to see the stage, if there's only one dinky bar, it's good to know. No one expects you to note the placement of every chandelier.
As a reviewer, I care about 3 things: the girls (number, look), the prices, and the mileage.
Atlanta clubs tend to charge for parking everywhere, even non adult entertainment venues. The trade off is that the dances in Atlanta are much cheaper and generally they give you more control on how much you spend.
Typical Atlanta VIP is 60 for the club plus X for whatever you want for the dancer.
Huntsville VIP normally start at 150 now. This is regardless of what she does.
It creates and environment where guys want to stick with who they like and dancers have no incentive to try harder. It doesn't help that only 2 clubs actually allow full nude under the right circumstances.
The breakout into titled sections is highly commendable.
Looking forward to your takes on Atlanta clubs.
Thanks, I honestly didn't know that.
I will fix it for the future reviews.