X Marks the Spot

Eddie C
So I want to take a survey. I frequent a couple clubs in South Jersey and one in particular known as the Pink Palace, or the HJ factory. My question to everyone... what location does the dancer allow you to squirt on. In my limited experience it is either in her hand or the floor. Typically there was usually an upcharge for other locations. Let me know... I plan on tallying up the locations and will list the top three in order.
last commentThis is gonna be good...
Down here in the Free State of Florida, the girls generally spit it out on the floor. Just sayin.
Every girl is different.
This will be the best list EVER on TUSCL!!!!!
"what location does the dancer allow you to squirt on"
Squirt? Dude did you have one those there high end transmission surgeries
If not inside then on her belly.
Inside or on their butt
They almost always swallow
I dont engage in p4p though
Girls know how to use a baby wipe to contain fluids. Some of the girls anyway.