@gumaman@skibung@misterorange (punkin' head)
not so much
@puddy....you seem to have some balance. But feel free to send that stupid bottled tears meme you like to send in these situations...possibly enough to put out that cybertruck fire?
The Cybertruck guy REALLY got my attention! His death and efforts seem to be confirming what you guys have been saying for the last year: the country is going to shit...and ONLY from liberalism, and I mean ONLY. This guy really knows his stuff, he WOKE me up!
Oh, and just double checking that you're ok with the results of this election....I know the last one was all fucked up somehow, but this one was ok right?
last commentBTW it would take a fuckton of tears to put out an EV battery fire. Metal fires are hellacious and can take tens of thousands of gallons of water to put out. They are prone to reignite. One shut down a highway for the better part of a day. So I'll spare you the tears meme for now ;)