… You won't hear much about this from the MSM, and what you hear will be supportive of Willis' bravery and toughness in The Fight yada yada yada.
Drip drip drip, the only holdout is Bragg/James/Merchan. This will eventually be dumped, and the compounded interest being added to DJT's $450M "fine" will be refunded, with NYS Taxpayers' paying the interest plus the money spent on prosecution. Hopefully, DJT will be able to sue for his legal fees. DJT just won $15M from ABC (this is just pocket change, it would be like one of us buying a Milky Way bar), and now that pollster in Iowa is being queued up for election interference.
MSM, all of them, need to be held accountable when it is very clear they've gone too far. Yeah, before WLD and 25 yap up "Oh YEAH, what about Fox"; Fox was sued for $785M plus Tucker was fired. Both are doing fine. When it comes to computer tabulating servers, better security and trust needs to be created. Next, the Dems will want AI tabulation - what could go wrong, right?
last commentThe irony is that all the allegations against Trump occurred in early 2017 or before, yet they delayed the trials to coincide with the height of campaign season. If these fucktards had prosecuted Trump in an expeditious fashion, all 4 trials could have been completed by mid 2019 at the latest.
Instead, their little scheme backfired like a Wile E. Coyote plot.
Take that, shitlibs! BOOM!!!
Hillary gets away with mishandling classified info because she was a beltway insider running for president.
This was all before Trump was even elected. More recently, Joe gets away with mishandling classified documents. Joe's son gets away with racketeering, extortion, lying a federal doc, tax evasion and more.
Libs do not get to lecture MAGA about being equal before the law.
Do you really believe what you typed? The judges are obligated to accept every motion? Filing motions is illegal? Its not part of "justice"? They didn't need to change statutes of limitations and definitions of crimes for a blatantly political prosecutor, before a Democrat donor judge?
Of course it's about race and gender. Please keep obsessing over that. Run Harris again in 2028 while you're at it.
Cope and seethe.
And so an Appeals Court countered it as it was "done by the book?" Seriously? What Kool-Aid are you swilling or was it the paint chips as a kid?
Bragg got the 3nd highest DOJ prosecutor to work for him in NYC to zap up a raft of "Frankensteined" misdemeanors into felonies.
Senator Crypt Keeper had classified documents taken from the Senate SCIF that were not to leave, it was a felony dating back decades, and stashed them in his garage plus boxes and boxes he got before he was POTUS, no charges. In the "investigation" it was stated he was "too old to prosecute" yet Trump and his associated got raids with weapons. I hope the new DOJ AG releases the audio and video. We need to see and hear it, not the "edited" transcript.
Willis and her mobsters had visits to the WH. A Fulton County DA, visiting the WH with her lead-squeeze prosecutor. Seriously? They weren't talking about the "grandkids" like Clinton and AG Lynch at that "private" airport hanger meeting in Phoenix when Hillary was running for POTUS.
All this backfired as we clearly saw how the justice system was weaponized with "Crossfire Hurricane" designed as an "insurance policy." And Strzok banging his BFF Page from text message detailing the plan, what rank amateur morons. Sure, the higher ups in the FBI had "plausible deniability", you know this had to be approved by the Suits. Strzok and McCabe came up with the Plan and it was sanctioned. Nixon's Plumbers did time for a simple break-in. Crossfire Hurricane was done by the FBI and designed to take-out Trump in case he became POTUS. Fair to say they committed treason.
Yeah, we USE TO BE a nation of laws before Obama, Biden, Soros and the Dem Machine really perverted it.
I know DJT says he wants to move forward; he never even attempted to "Lock Her Up", meanwhile since Trump beat Hillary, the Dems have had gone after Trump, his family and associates like a MAFIA Godfather with his Capos and Wise Guys without the horse's head. There have been 2 assassination attempts on DJT, and information is being swept under the rug like the Warren Report 62 years ago. People who seriously committed felonies need to be held accountable.