Strip Club ETF
Nowadays there are ETF's for almost every industry. If there was a strip club ETF, what stocks would be in the portfolio? This is what I came up with:
RICK: the only publicly traded strip club BUD: beer TAP: beer DEO: alcoholic beverages STZ: beer and wine LVMUY: owner of Dom Perignon, Moet & Chandon, Hennessy, Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior DBD: ATM manufacturer VYX: ATM manufacturer LZB: couches and sofas VCD: couches and furniture MLI: brass rods and pole manufacturer MAS: plumbing and design fixtures VSCO: lingerie COTY: nail care, hair care, cosmetics, fragrances, Dolce & Gabbana EL: fragrances and cosmetics ULTA: beauty products and hair salons ABBV: manufactures botox, lip fillers, breast implants, and skin products PM: cigarettes BTI: cigarettes and vapes TPB: vaping and smoking products JNJ: manufacturer of K-Y Jelly, opioids, skincare, and feminine hygiene products CHD: manufacturer of Trojan condoms
last commentWhat companies make glitter and pasties? :) We might also need a taxi company in there...
What would the ticker symbol be for this ETF??? LDK? haha
STD home test kit manufacturer
You might add manufacturers of erectile dysfunction medications and at home pregnancy kits.
DINO: sinclair
A basket of big pharma stocks with treatments for herpes.
Companies that make indoor security camera systems including devices used for scanning driver's licenses.
EWCZ Waxing
VIP Doors
Google....due to use of google voice to maintain contact.....or an alternate burner number provider.
If you build it, I will short it.
^ a short position over a long position??? :)