
Fox News - AOC's 'red light' district overrun with prostitutes

Not in Kansas anymore
"looks more like the famed brothel-filled red-light district streets of Bangkok"


I know Fox News ran this as a negative, but the PL in me went "Hot Damn!". Any politician that made a campaign promise of turning part of their district into an American version of Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy to bring in tourist dollars is going to get my vote.


  • Puddy Tat
    5 days ago
    She, like a lot of congressfuckers, is too busy trying to build a national profile while her district goes to shit.

    Some hard left Dem friends are talking about running her for president. I'd take two terms of Kamala Harris over one month of her. Just imagine her playing the victim like she loves to do around Xi or Putin.
  • iknowbetter
    5 days ago
    Looks like Times Square in the 70’s before it became Disneyfied. Perhaps one of our NY-based TUSCL PL’s could give it a review
  • mogul1985
    5 days ago
    AOC's district is exactly what Amerika will look like if Socialist/Progressives (Democrats) take full power and control like in Boston, Baltimore, Detroit, Houston, Denver (it's devolving fast), SanFran, Seattle, Portland, LA, DC, Chicago, ect. The only thing they care about is power and control like the thugs who run the Banana Republics, Haiti and Venezuela.
  • sinclair
    5 days ago
    mogul1985, you are 100% correct. Horse-faced AOC has a lower IQ than most of the lizards working the blade in Queens.
  • twentyfive
    5 days ago
    Roosevelt Ave in Jackson Heights, has been known as a place to pick up prostitutes since the late 1960’s, it’s full of drugs and dealers, it’s not something new, when I left New York years ago that was one of the areas where things like that were out of control. Nothing new about it.
  • ilbbaicnl
    5 days ago
    If Fox News wanted to do actual journalism, they'd lead with the vote counts of the precincts in that area. If the people who live there are voting for rather than against AOC, I'm not going to second guess them.

    If they do actually have pimps, I pass on that. If they are loitering in front of business who don't want them there., I pass on that.

    Some of them are probably doing off-the-books sex work because their work permits are held up. Due to Trump blocking the bill that would have provided the funds to ease ICE backlogs.

    Members of Congress don't control the police in the areas they represent. Duh.
  • misterorange
    5 days ago
    ^^ Oh, so it's Trump's fault. Got it.
  • Puddy Tat
    5 days ago
    ^ It's always Trump’s fault. Not like these centers of urban blight keep electing the same party and expecting things to get better.

    Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, Detroit, New York City...Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  • rickdugan
    5 days ago
    That place has always been a shit hole. The only difference is that the new immigrant hoes have obviously chased off the black hoes.

    I don't like AOC any more than anyone else here. But unless her position in Congress also includes enforcement of state laws and city ordinances, I don't know what she has to do with any of this.

    Seriously dude, be better than this. This is the type of nonsensical connection that moronic Dems try to make. Republicans are better than that.
  • Grjax
    5 days ago
    Open border has allowed coyotes and smugglers to bring in women from almost all Latin and South American countries at an unrealistic fees of 50k to 80k USD.

    Meaning they 100% do have “pimps”.


  • Grjax
    5 days ago
    They will never pay it off and be in debt for their whole life as they also send back money home, pay rent, and who knows if they are extorted by “pimps” locally.
  • datinman
    4 days ago
    I posted this as wry humor based on Fox using the red light district of Bangkok as a negative when the majority of board members here would love to have a Tijuana or Bangkok style red light district here in the good old US of A.

    I posted it in Political Discussions because I figured I was chumming the waters.
  • gammanu95
    4 days ago
    If the lower house of congress are representatives, meant to represent the people of their districts, then AOC may be the best representative currently serving. As sinclair pointed out how incredibly fucking dumb she is, then the people who elected her are even more incredibly dumb. She is the one-eyed cunt in the kingdom of the blind.
  • dickdecker
    4 days ago
    Those people are so poor and so desperate that they have to sell their own bodies…. can you imagine doing that???
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    Well said by @rickdugan

    Fox News does this shit on a daily basis. Finding isolated negative stories and photos from Democrat-governed cities and making them front page stories. If they can link the stories to people like AOC or Harris then bonus points. Fox News viewers come to believe these issues are pervasive and representative... meanwhile they only capture like 0.0000001 % of what is going on in a city.
  • Puddy Tat
    4 days ago
    "Finding isolated negative stories and photos from Democrat-governed cities"

    Yeah, we all know that Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, New York, Baltimore, and Oakland are paradise, especially for black people. Perhaps you should be asking yourself why stories about urban blight in Democrat-run cities are so easy to find?
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    Easy answer there - because Fox News puts people and $$$ to hunt down these stories, in Democrat-led cities, made much easier by the internet and social media. It ain't because these stories represent more than 0.0000001 % of what is happening in those cities.
  • mogul1985
    4 days ago
    "If the people who live there are voting for rather than against AOC, I'm not going to second guess them." That district is just full of fucking Useful Uneducated Idiots. And sure, they can vote for whomever they want, and they'll continue to wallow in a shithole even flies would touch or a cat would use as a litter box.

    Times Square was cleaned up with MASSIVE opposition from what I recall, all areas can be too with the proper will. NYC has created Tammany Hall V2. It is just a Hot Mess. 20 years ago I was showing dogs at The Garden at Westminster. Today, no way will I go.
  • mogul1985
    4 days ago
    "Easy answer there - because Fox News puts people and $$$ to hunt down these stories, in Democrat-led cities..." And the MSM just doesn't show it, plain and simple.

    More yada yada yada your lyin' eyes. I mean, news crews for CNN have been robbed WHILE DO A STARY ON THE STREET IN SANFRAN. WLD: Do you get off with this blathering?

    Here's a good one: Harris wants to build lost-cost housing, like 3.5M of them. No idea where, no idea how to pay for them and now idea who will qualify. What I do know is: 1) The Community Reinvestment Act that Carter created and Clinton doubled down on that caused the 2008 Financial Collapse from "Sub Prime" (junk) mortgages; 2) The Projects in the late-1960s were such a stellar success.

    Even Bono admitted the only way to help cure poverty is through Capitalism and not Socialism/Welfare/Transfer of Wealth, and he is a HUGE Leftie. https://www.forbes.com/sites/markhendric…
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    Big selection of shows on Broadway tonight. The Great Gatsby, Alyssa Milano in Chicago, or some old classics like Lion King and Hamilton if you haven't seen them. Before or afterwards, theater-goers can partake in dozens of great restaurants and bars near Times Square. I always liked Tony's Di Napoli for Italian.

    But......... Fox News would never run a story on reasons why people love New York City. I wonder why?
  • Puddy Tat
    4 days ago
    ^ Yeah. It's 0.00000000001% of what happened until it happens to you. Now a lot of them are not even reporting crime stats to the feds anymore. People are fleeing the Bay Area hand over fist, for one. Of course that's "white flight" and it's "racist," but I don't fault anyone who prioritizes their physical health and property over looking good to a bunch of people who get offended as a hobby.

    Harris also wants to give $25,000 of money we don't have to throw around, to homebuyers whom sellers know have an extra $25,000 to spend.

    Anyone who's spent five minutes in an economics classroom knows Harris' economic plans are pure dogshit. The question is whether or not they care; they quickly go to some nonsense appeal to emotion.

    Good feelings won't stop you from getting carjacked!
  • Puddy Tat
    4 days ago
    ^^ Yeah, because a few Broadway shows in one small area are great for the people in AOC's district. Lulz
  • rattdog
    4 days ago
    i just got back from roosevelt. 100 bucks got me 20-30 minutes of real action. it's the best deal in nyc at the moment.

    the spot that got raided last week surprisingly is still in operation. my girl took me there. she seems to be on the ball about the leo sort of thing so i kinda trusted her and just followed along.

    i have no doubts that undercover(s) took my pic but i don't give a shit. i'm not going as regularly as i did last year.
  • mogul1985
    4 days ago
    ^ and those who can afford a Broadway Show and nice dinner aren't from AOC's Litter Box.
  • rattdog
    4 days ago
    broadway shows? google AI overview says that the price range for the lion king is $129-450. nah i'm good. i'd rather have decent looking migrant girls make me cum for a $100 1-4 times.

  • ilbbaicnl
    4 days ago
    @mogul so you're saying the AOC is somehow stopping the NYPD from making arrests in her district? Wha?

    Times Square changed because NYC voters voted for that, as far as I know.

    So 3 Cuban guys get arrested for pimping, and that proves all immigrant sex workers are pimped. If a majority of American voters are now this dumb, Trump will simply be presiding over an inevitable shit show of a country.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    Where are you finding $100 girls, which country are they from? And are they streetwalkers/crackhos?
  • Icey
    4 days ago
    Secretly all the bigots wish they could take advantage of refugee hookers in NYC.
  • ggofv
    4 days ago
    @ Puddy Tat, if more states would just get off their bible horse (that they only use to virtue signal) and just legalize prostitution, we would solve multiple problems at once.

    It would generate income. It would actually lower the chances of human trafficking.

    It's just so dumb to make men like me criminals for victimless crimes. If anyone has been robbed from these exchanges, it's me (because their is no legal recourse, funny how that works).
  • sfrsox
    4 days ago
    They need to follow the hookers to the gang members who traffic them and put them in jail
  • sfrsox
    4 days ago
    @GRjax, that's not enough punishment for those animals. Legal system is too lenient on these animals who destroy dozens if not hundreds of lives
  • Puddy Tat
    4 days ago
    "BREAKING: Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner says 13,000 known illegal immigrants who were convicted of homicide and 15,000 convicted of sexual assault have been released into the country."


    But this is OK because The Lion King or something. Lulz.
  • gammanu95
    4 days ago
    I notice that wld4testes has taken a page from Obama's playbook by acknowledging the truth and veracity of the images and videos, but claiming that it is a one in a million occurrence and not widespread nor representative of the majority. This is, of course, false.
    Countless independent and verified witnesses from all social strata confirm that it is not safe to walk two blocks alone in New York, the Magnificent Mile, San Fran, Baltimore, the FQ, and all other urban centers of blue cities in blue states. This is because there is no law and consequences. This is because they want drug dealers, pimps, rapists, illegals, junkies, crazy homeless and others roaming free. Why? I have no fucking clue, but is the truth that they do.
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    10000s of people enjoyed entertainment in NYC last night, and the number of them who experienced violent crime by an illegal immigrant appears to be.......... 0. The crimes committed by these people are so low, that Trump has had to resort to telling lies about immigrants eating cats and dogs. Lulz

    We'd be in a better position to address immigration with more resources and funding, but Republicans have been playing politics with the issue and blocking progress since they won the House in 2022.
  • rattdog
    4 days ago
    i'll throw this one out there. that spot i went to that was raided that i went to yesterday-well that exact location used to be the office of AOC's.

    a month ago at that same spot there was a file cabinet that my girl had to move. i wonder if that was around during AOC's occupancy. AOC may have practiced her head game down in that basement and pulled a cabinet drawer out to spit out some seeds.
  • mogul1985
    4 days ago
    "so you're saying the AOC is somehow stopping the NYPD from making arrests in her district? Wha?" I never said she is "stopping the NYPD". She has plenty of local Progressives doing that for her, She is doing NOTHING to help clean-up her district, nothing, she is letting it rot as people vote for her so why change?

    "Times Square changed because NYC voters voted for that, as far as I know."

    People voted for Giuliani for Mayor as he was the Federal Attorney for the SDNY. In the mid-1980s he ran the "MAFIA Commission" to crush the Five Families. Voters liked that and he ran in '93 and lost to Dinkins by a tight margin of less than 50K. NYC devolution slowed a tad under Dinkins yet was still bad. Rudy was elected in '97 by a margin of 50K and he ran on a liberal plank, and he cracked down on crime with his "Stop-and-Frisk & Broken Windows" approach to crime. When he focused on cleaning up Times Square, he faced heavy resistance from city gov't collecting their payola, call it NYC's Deep State. People here in TUSCL who lived there back then would know a lot more than me as I had moved 10 years ago out of NY in 1983 to Colorado.

    @WLD4TATAS: Entertainment in NYC is expensive, really expensive. Period. There are like over 8M living in the NYC Boroughs, 75% of crime is done by illegals, a lot of crime is never reported or recorded and a lot is downgraded and dismissed, then no bond. No one has disputed this number: https://nypost.com/2024/09/02/us-news/mi…

    One problem with crime reporting to the FBI is it so complex now local authorities don't bother. Murder rates and felonies that are reduced to misdemeanors or dismissed from deep Blue cities are not reported. There is a 1950s book used in Stat classes called "How To Lie With Statistics". As Ross Perot said, "We need to look under the hood."

    Puddy, Muddy, Gammanu95, others and I can list reliable sources to back-up what we say. As for the radical leftists, the Kool-Aid is dug into their deep white matter like an Alabama Tick.
  • Icey
    4 days ago
    Its never been safe in NYC. If they wouldnt have refugees from socialism to blame....coz remember these Venezuelans are anti communist refugees. Theyd be blaming Blacks. Before them the Irish. Its just hate and fear mongering.

    Its hypothetical for those on here to feign outrage when they pay for their services
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 days ago
    So lets all follow mogul's logic, and turn red states blue, because murder is bad: https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-co… .
  • TheeOSU
    4 days ago
    'We'd be in a better position to address immigration with more resources and funding'

    wild4testes version of resources and funding is more money to pay for the illegal's expenses and fast track them to citizenship. That's not addressing anything except manufacturing more freeloaders to live off real citizen taxpayers.
    The only way to address it is stop them and turn them back before they cross the border. You don't need more resources or funding for that.

    wild4testes is so enamoured with his fellow left's collective nutsacks on his chin that he's delusional and will buy anything they say.
  • TheeOSU
    4 days ago
    Yes south and central americans are getting most of the press but it's a fact that there are many military aged males from china and the mideast crossing our southern border. There are probably some legit decent people in that bunch but doubtless there are also sleeper terrorists and saboteurs among the multitudes.
    It all needs to stop!
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    Gammanu thats exaggeration or untrue on Baltimore.. you can certainly walk two blocks safely there… theres also cops around every corner. Maybe its only certain parts of Baltimore, at certain times of the night, that the 2 block rule applies
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    As far as DC and Baltimore being dangerous, its not even related to immigrants but rather the gangstas. I would be curious to see what % of immigrants are doing violent crimes compared to US citizens by race? Also are immigrant crimes separated from crimes done by citizens of the same race. For instance Latinos commit the second highest % of violent crimes relative to their population
  • Studme53
    4 days ago
    The real crime is none are the least bit tempting. They need to cut some weight and put on platform heels. See Figueroa Ave Los Angeles.
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