
Does anyone know what happened to the Bonedin site?

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Did it die out?


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Avatar for WOODDR2

I think the owner died, as he was not active for about the last 6-8 months and the couple of guys that helped run the site could get ahold of him. Then I think the website was just never renewed.

At least that's what I heard.

Avatar for Mrsuntan

The owner disappeared, it seems. Whether he's dead or not is debatable. The site's main page is still active, it's just that nobody can log in, and it's been that way for years now. But the fact that the main page is active shows that somehow, someone is paying to keep it that way. But then again, maybe Domo had it set for auto renewal, and it draws from a zombie bank account and he really is dead. I never heard any definitive answer either way.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

That site was really awesome and it gave people the ability to figure out who was a good dancer, and how they were mileage wise. It actually gave people the idea who to work with. I think it was not in use since the pandemic era probably.

Avatar for caseyx

It went down (or to its current inoperable state) at the beginning of '22. It's probably on auto renew, like Mrsuntan said.

Avatar for minnow

Was it an off-shoot of zbone.com ? If I registered for BI, I doubt that I'd recall username/password. Since I haven't visited LAX in over 10 yrs., I gradually drifted away from zbone zone.

Avatar for Mrsuntan

Basedtexan, you should totally do it. There's obviously an audience for it. Seems like a lot of work but you'd have a lot of grateful mongers if you could pull it off.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

That would be bad ass. Like a statewide version lmao.

Avatar for caseyx

At the end there were a bunch of guys who were each talking about building a replacement site with similar functionality. Never happened as far as I know.

Avatar for Jascoi

it was a great site. i had over 200 reviews posted. but i did have issues with johnny patrol/ california. hope domo's ok.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Johnny Patrol was really something else. Wasn’t he like a moderator?

Avatar for Jascoi

not just a moderator. a super moderator. micro manager. he was 'god' of bonedin. domo even seemed to have less power than jp.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Never encountered it, despite what I thought was my good monger (and internet) pedigree, and now that it's down I can't check it out. Can someone give the trajectory of its prominence? When was it opened, good, bad, gone? I had some absences from the strip club scene, and this website probably coincided with some of them.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

PS -- does anyone else remember "Two Shed's Michigan Strip Club Reviews"? Another gone but not forgotten strip-clubbing website.

Avatar for misterorange

I've been mongering for over 3 decades but never heard of it. Sounds like I missed out. What were the main differences between that site and this one that made it so great?

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Bonedin gave reviews of actual dancers and update people on who's working at clubs that have no roll calls

Avatar for luciuswarbaby

Could a private reddit group do the same thing. I used Bonedin a lot would be great to have a something like it back.

Avatar for Jascoi

a lot of info was deleated because of jp's power attitudes and actions.

Avatar for Mrsuntan

It was strictly Southern California based, so for those of you who never heard of it, that might be why. The huge difference between that site and this one is that the dancers themselves were reviewed. Every review featured a general section, accessable to every member, and a more explicit section (if applicable) viewable only to those members who were deemed worthy. The majority of members did NOT have access to the full reviews (it had to be earned by submitting worthwhile reviews first), but even the general section contained valuable information for those who could read between the lines.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Well i know it was Southern California Based. I was originally a So Cal kid currently living in Texas at the moment as we speak.

Avatar for Jascoi

yes... LA metro based for the most part but also discussions and reviews of las vegas clubs and tj. domo was a frequent hk visitor as were some others.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Yeah I heard some people would go to Vegas Clubs and TJ Clubs. I heard Vegas clubs were overpriced and TJ clubs were similar to COI spots, or even crazier. That is what I understand.

Avatar for altered_ego1980

Here's a link to its archive:


You can click on the roll call and then on a dancer if she has linked reviews.

Can do the same with zbone also

Avatar for Jascoi

thank you for this link! even if it doesn't work well it IS ' a blast from the past!'

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Indeed. Brings me memories! I would used to go to clubs because of this!

Avatar for RockAllNight

The broken site bonedin is quite clunky at this point, but I can tell that it was valuable for SoCal mongers when it was active.

BasedTexan - go for it!

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Yeah it was extremely bad ass. I would post reviews about my ATFs a lot of the times and i would really talk about how insanely good some of the COI dancers were and TL dancers were.

There are dancers that have mileage at those clubs but back in the days, it was way more insane 5-10 years ago. I wonder what happened lmao.

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