PSA Price Increases in Huntsville Alabama starting 4/16/24

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
Southern Libertine

VIP PRICES INCREASING in Huntsville, AL. This is for Rocket City Showgirls, Uncle Bucks, Pony Bama, and Pony Too. $100 VIP is now $150. $250 is now $300 for 30 minutes. I will let you guys figure out the rest .

I am posting this for all of you PLs who go to Huntsville. With respect to the Mods, good times.


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avatar for RockAllNight
9 months ago
And most all of the dancers are now wearing pasties. I had a dancer at Pony last week tell me it was $20 more to remove pasties during private dance because she would have to buy a new set.
avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
9 months ago
Yeah I knew about the pasties. Those were never a big deal to me because usually the breast was exposed enough. The price increease (right before summer no less) means that less VIPs will probably be happening. Not sure what the managers are thinking.
avatar for chattguy123
9 months ago
Will have to see if they keep the 75$ vip on Sundays to try and drive in traffic. I can't imagine spending 50 more bucks for a 15 min with the added edition of pasties. It always seemed to vary by the girl as most would take them off in VIP. huntsville has really taken a dive after covid. The pony boss is buying up clubs all up and down the south and Midwest it seems.
avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
9 months ago
Really? Could you give me an idea of the clubs he owns outside Huntsville, AL? I have been planning a strip club tour in Atlanta in May (Tattletale Lounge and V Live).
avatar for Sammy999
9 months ago
The pasties wearing got here too in birmingham from march i think due to election season or some alcohol regulations maybe but it sucks. Atleast thats for the furnace I don’t know about the others here
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