Biden Administration Pressured Amazon to Censor Books

avatar for 5footguy

Is anybody ok with this?

Some excerpts from the X thread:

"On March 2, 2021, Slavitt fired off an email demanding to know who he and his White House colleagues could talk to at the company about “the high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation of [sic] Amazon?” "

"How did the Biden White House conclude that there was “propaganda and misinformation” in books sold in Amazon’s bookstore?
The White House ran keyword searches for controversial topics, such as “vaccine,” and emailed Amazon when it didn’t like how the search results appeared"

"After the White House spent a week berating Amazon, what did the online bookstore do?
Starting March 9—the same day as its meeting with the White House—Amazon enabled “Do Not Promote” for books that expressed the view that vaccines were not effective."

"And that wasn’t all. Amazon also considered other ways “to reduce the visibility” of certain books that the Biden White House disliked."


last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

It's sad. The left went from defending unpopular free speech to censoring counter-regime opinions.

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Not enough details here to judge. We know there was a lot of horseshit floating around during the peak of Covid. Seems appropriate the government took some measures to address misinformation during a pandemic.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

^ And who decides what's "misinformation"? There's always some kind of emergency. The left wants to call climate change an emergency.

Things are "settled," like the bat/pangolin theory, until they're not.

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Based on scientific merit including peer-reviewed, published research.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

^ So you're in agreement that there are only two biological sexes, and in favor of censoring data that says otherwise? Or is it only regime-approved "science" that counts?

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

how about this?

say you have a 2 year old in dire need of a blood transfusion. if as a parent of that child would you choose blood that was:

a) laced with traces of moderna
b) laced with traces of astrozeneca
c) pure and unadulterated?

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Agree on the two biological sexes. As far as censoring, I'd support some degree of countering the misinformation, just like with covid.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

@rattdog - I have a heavy science by background and trust the vaccines. mRNA gets chewed up pretty quickly in the human body, and even if it didn't, very few cells have the machinery (reverse transcriptase) to integrate it into our DNA. Retroviruses like HIV have it.

My beef isn't with the vaccines, it's with politicians leaning on platforms. Really, high office holders don't "suggest" changes. It's an implied threat like the mafia's "nice business, shame if something were to happen to it." It's been ruled to violate the 1st amendment if government outsources censorship (or other rights violations) too.

There can always be some kind of "emergency" justifying censorship. The Soviet Union and communist China forbade teaching certain biological concepts because they disagreed with influential regime scientists. And don't even get me started on their weaponization of psychiatry.

The cure for bad speech is more speech, not censorship. That people like wld4tatas think it's OK when they agree with it sets a dangerous precedent. You're not always going to be in power; it behooves you to act like it.

avatar for Hungryhunnypot
1 yr ago

Our country is going to fall apart if we are this stupid following Trump off of a cliff again.

avatar for HedonistBG
1 yr ago

I wouldn't believe a damn thing posted by Jim Jordan unless it is verified by a legitimate source. The GOP's favorite presidential candidate is a pathological liar after all.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

If we based our reaction to Covid based on science and fairness both Fauci and Biden would have been blindfolded and executed. Anyone who pretends things weren't better for the average, normal American under Trump is simply a buffoon. Trump may be a terrible human being, but all that does is cover up that what he supports is infinitely better than what retarded Joe Biden does. There are only 2 biological sexes and anyone claiming otherwise is just a political asswipe of a progressive.

avatar for jackslash
1 yr ago

What bullshit. The people banning books are Republican politicians. Florida and other states are removing books from libraries and enacting laws to prosecute teachers and librarians.

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

"What bullshit. The people banning books are Republican politicians. Florida and other states are removing books from libraries and enacting laws to prosecute teachers and librarians."

Minors need someone, preferably their parents, to decide what they can and cannot consume. The government has decided that once you're 18, you're an adult. Until then, parental consent is needed for certain things. Are you ok with straight up pornography being in public school libraries? It's a gray area, but personally I'm not. These are kids.

Other than minors, I'm not in favor of banning or censoring ANY information. The above is about ADULTS. The bull shit is a government administration actively contacting a company to ban books from being sold or being in search results. These are adults which are shopping for books, not children.

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

"Seems appropriate the government took some measures to address misinformation during a pandemic."

You don't really believe that, do you? Seriously. Even the most hardcore bootlickers must know that getting elected and controlling the narrative are far more important to politicians than truth. You might as well believe in Santa Claus.

The saddest part is that if Trump had done it, you'd be up in arms and calling for investigations. You know it's true. Dig deep and search for a sliver of objectivity and you'll see it's true. All hard party liners like you are so blind that you're being played, and it's so sad to people who know better to see you get played.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

@Hungryhunnypot: "Our country is going to fall apart if we are this stupid following Trump off of a cliff again."

How did will we fall off a cliff? If you mean Trump was a fly in the ointment of the Global Liberal Agenda, then, yeah I see how you support that bullshit taking US Taxpayers' money and giving it to shithole countries around the globe, including selling our Strategic Oil Reserves to the CCP. And, allowing unlimited illegal alien migration flooding into the USA. Or, killing off our energy production so we can buy fossil oil from Iran and Venezuela? Did you forget Trump had Iran in economic ruin and whacked Soleimani and told Iranian leaders, we have over 50 limited edition, personalized, single use-Hellfire missiles WITH YOUR NAME ON IT? Iran backed way the FUCK DOWN.

@HedonistBG: "I wouldn't believe a damn thing posted by Jim Jordan unless it is verified by a legitimate source."

Why is that? A ton of stuff that was censored turned out to be dead to rights, and the FBI had operatives working at Twitter and FB. Elon Musk really pissed off the Democrats when he bought one of their propaganda tools. And what would be your Legitimate Source? Snopes, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS, NTY, WaPo, Mother Jones, The View, FB, Instagram, ABC, that Mary Poppins psycho that was going to be the Fact Checker Tsar, ex-Harvard President plagerist Claudine Gay and her crew of anti-Semites, Dylan Mulvaney, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Corey Bush, Hamas Lover Rashida Tlaib, ect ect and so forth? Need I go on?

I know there are PLs here that just hate Trump, I get it loud and clear. Then, we have the Placeholder Biden Tool (Obama v2) that will be replaced by the DNC Super Delegates using their version of "Democracy" which is just Fascism (so much for Primaries and Caucuses - the people's voice, gotta love those Super Delegate Capos). Tell me how this is not the Deep State Bureaucracy, Lobbyists, RINOs and Democrats - Meriam-Webster (it's a renowned DICTIONARY in case you aren't aware): "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

avatar for jaybud999
1 yr ago

You're using a Jim Jordan post to start this discussion? Jim fuckin' Jordan?

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

You don't really believe that, do you?

The saddest part is that if Trump had done it, you'd be up in arms and calling for investigations. You know it's true.
Totally false and laughable, delusional bs.

Trump was originally a big supporter of the vaccine. Remember "Operation Warp Speed" which he bragged about? But when he lost the election, he and some of his followers tried to spin it into yet another crock about the government taking away our freedoms and trying to control us. Trump actually got booed when he got the booster shots. Just a slick huckster looking out for himself.

Meanwhile, Biden acted responsibly, making major efforts to encourage vaccine education and adoption based on the best available science and data at the time, all with the goal to minimize future spikes in morbidity and mortality that had swamped healthcare systems in 2020.

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

^No one knew what the vaccine would do. Waiting for a traditional vaccine would have taken years. More people DIED under Biden.

An Israeli study, a large study, found that natural immunity was 27x better than the vac and yet the Biden Crowd DEMANDED we get multiple JABS, Mr Science Fauci had all the answers, and lied; we found out after his emails were released.

Schools were closed when it was clear those under 18 weren't really at risk UNLESS that had specific medical problems. Those between 19 and 50, unless they had medical issues, had an very low probability of a fatality from "The Kung Fu Flu"; those over 50 had a higher risk.

A lot happened that was new novel discovery BEFORE the vac was released. Sure, mistakes were made HOWEVER those mistakes were never corrected and Biden Tip Toes Through The Tulips eating chocolate chip ice cream while pushing the vac.

Masks were found to be ineffective as people didn't get decent one and used the same mask over and over. The 6' thing was something from like 1890, and no one at the CDC or NIH tested distance.

Soldiers and teachers and nurses and doctors were fired for refusing the Jab. Docs and nurses volunteered to go to NYC to help with the crisis, the ones in hospitals not the ones sent as "dead men walking" back to ill equipped nursing home so Cuomo could "thin the herd". THEN, here's the BOHICA moment - those across the country who volunteered to leave their families and help in NYC were hit with NY State and NYC TAXES! No one told them this would happen. The special MASH set-up in the Javits Center was not really used.

Trump gave NYC a hospital ship and 1,000s of vents that NY decided not to stockpile 2 years earlier, then when things settled down, NY sold them off for pennies on the Dollar, just like Biden sold Wall materials worth several Billion Dollars off at pennies on the Dollar in Summer '23 rather than building Wall, and contractors had already been paid.

So, where is the vac now?

Trump was called racist by Biden for blocking people from China from coming here; they were potential carriers. Meanwhile, Dementia Biden lets MILLIONS cross the border from SHIT HOLES COUNTRIES with no disease testing (TB and COVID-19 for example) or getting a mandatory Jab.

The FDA was good to go like 3 days post election with thumbs up, while a month earlier Giggles Harris was saying, "I wouldn't take the Trump Vaccine.", then a month later The Jab became the Holy Grail of Vaccinations for Harris/Biden.

Next we found out that an incredibly high number of athletes had heart attacks traced back to The Jab yet it was still required to complete in the USA and Australia, teens were developing Myocarditis and Pericarditis and forced to take the Jab even though this was known, and this Fascist Crew kept demanding SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS, and did all they could to block any anti-mNRA publications.

Biden acting responsibly is like asking a serial arsonist about how to prevent fires. His head is so far up his ass it hangs out his nose. Meanwhile, for 3 years the Biden Crowd did all they could to NOT put a light on Wuhan.

Just wow.

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

"Trump was originally a big supporter of the vaccine. Remember "Operation Warp Speed" which he bragged about? ... Just a slick huckster looking out for himself."

Yep, agree 100%. Since I'm objective, I can call out a guy who I might even vote for, when he's full of shit. Try it sometime, it's liberating. I'm free and don't have to defend "the brand." I'm not beholden to others and can make decisions based on principle, rather than party alignment and who I'm supposed to agree with. They don't own me.

avatar for 5footguy
1 yr ago

"You're using a Jim Jordan post to start this discussion? Jim fuckin' Jordan?"

Learning how to separate the message from the messenger is critical when you want to seek out truth, especially when you don't like the messenger. If Jim Jordan said E=MC^2, would you disagree with him because he's "Jim fuckin' Jordan"?

If you doubt the truthfulness of what he posted, please share. He posted screenshots of emails to support his claims. Or, is your entire argument, "I dOn'T LikE tHAt GuY!" ?

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Next we found out that an incredibly high number of athletes

Let's start here.
Claims baselessly link COVID vaccines to athlete deaths

No evidence COVID-19 vaccines are linked to athletes collapsing or dying from myocarditis

And plenty more articles debunking this crock promoted by Elon Musk.

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