1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Rip-off Alert

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 12:46 AM
Really disappointed by Venus. I thought she might be a fun girl with a little chub. What went wrong? 1. She made me wait to get a CR instead of just telling the dj I was bringing her in so she “didn’t make him mad”. I almost blew her off and go with Jenna and I wish I had. 2. Made me pay the hundred dollars up front. I find that to be a huge mood killer. 3. Didn’t take off her fucking panties the entire time. 4. Sweaty 5. Has a big mole thingy on her back she needs to get removed. 6. Tried to upsell me for vague “extra fun” where I’d “probably cum”. I had to push to ask what that was. Basically first base for $500. I’m not sure who she thinks she is but does she realize she’s competing with girls like Loren who charge way less for way more? 7. Then if that wasn’t enough… she told me that if I came in my pants that would cost extra and she didn’t want me to “be surprised”. So if all of this sounds too good to be true, Venus is your girl!


  • wld4tatas
    8 months ago
    #7.... I would have instantly and spontaneously burst out laughing in her face (then got up and walked away). Thanks for the heads up !
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    I almost did and you’re right I should have!!! At least I didn’t tip her. I should have added a number 8. She ended the session early. The clock keeper didn’t end it. But I was watching my watch the whole time and couldn’t wait to get out of there. When she said the hundred was up front I said “What is that for?” and she sneered like a Karen and said “That’s for the room!” I think the hundred bucks is almost worth it to be able to come on here and tell all of you guys want the deal is with her. And her caboose is bigger up close too. Some guys will like that but with everything else she had going on? Never again!
  • drewcareypnw
    8 months ago
    5. Has a big mole thingy on her back she needs to get removed. YUCK!
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    I’m sure she’s going to love seeing me in there next time… assuming she reads this.
  • twentyfive
    8 months ago
    I get your point and agree ROBs should be exposed, but was it necessary to add and out another girl that wasn’t party to your transaction?
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    I wasn’t very specific but sorry I didn’t mean to do that
  • Recsandpark
    8 months ago
    Oof, 6, 7, and 8 piss me off. Thanks for the heads up. She's too much loving for me, but now I definitely wouldn't try her out. Number 2 actually doesn't bother me. I've actually had plenty of girls ask for money up front. It is a little weird but I don't give it too much thought
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    In my experience asking for the money up front has been a red flag. Not sure about everyone else though. I mean there are bouncers there. Are they really going to let a guy get away without paying the minimum fee to the girl? And talk about killing any hint of a gfe experience whatsoever. I should have laughed at her and bolted. Girls like her rely and fooling fresh meat every day. I doubt she’s going to attract a lot of regulars like this.
  • himalayabound
    8 months ago
    Sounds like the VIP from hell. Thanks for the "heads down" (the little head, that is). I also second the motion that the money up front thing is a red flag. Nothing spices up the mood more than starting the session with "Let's just establish up front that you don't seem trustworthy--or frankly even law abiding--or frankly even smart enough to avoid getting your ass kicked by the bouncers....."
  • nelly76
    8 months ago
    I always give the first 100 up front, then anyything after that is easier to discuss.
  • nicespice
    8 months ago
    Hopefully this Venus person finds a better club with respectful clientele soon enough 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Mate27
    8 months ago
    But didn’t you read….she’ll be missing out on the honeypot?!
  • doctorevil
    8 months ago
    Sounds to me like you failed to discuss expectations up front. And you didn’t notice she had a mole before you went back? And if the club has a minimum fee to the girl, what difference does it make if you pay first or at the end? I put this one on you, not her.
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
    Oooh Nicespice came in throwing shade and massive side eye, starting big time drama. All the mean girls at the lunch table say O.M.G.🍿
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    Doctorevil - yes that’s true. I broke my own rule about discussing expectations with a new girl (new to me) before going in there and I paid the price for it. That said though this experience was bad enough that I thought I’d warn everyone else not to make the same mistake that I did. I definitely own that part of it but that doesn’t excuse her circus act either. And that’s kind of the point of this board, to save people time and money and point them toward fun and away from trouble.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    So, HHP is a troll, specifically a "cacaplop" sock puppet via Stripclublist, who occasionally posts stuff like this to stir shit. But if you don't believe that or don't care, then hakuna matata. But keep in the back of your mind that some or none of this is true. With new (to me) dancers, I've frequently paid the base fee of $100 up front. It's not unusual and not a big ask. And it doesn't ruin the mood for me because the mood is that I'm taking a stripper into a large closet that would probably look like a Jackson Pollock painting under black light. That's never going to be a "GFE" setting. Regarding everything else, it's been said here often enough that a guy needs to talk to a dancer about what he wants *before* buying dances. At this point it's common sense for anyone who has been on this forum for more than a minute. I'll also note that HHP (or variants) has had some negative fixations on dancers that other guys like a lot. So, keep that in mind as well. I'll admit that I've never spent time with Venus, but if I wanted to this post wouldn't figure prominently in my decision making.
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    Ishmael you’re an idiot. Venus is only the second dancer that I’ve skewered like this. The other one was Rosie, and based on reviews on here everyone agrees with me on her. Take a look at my last review that was written before I got a dance with Venus. I said positive things about her based on her appearance and the vibe I thought I was getting from her. I definitely misjudged her and should have followed my own rule about talking to her upfront. But the whole point of this board is to act as a sort of Consumer Reports for us and every word of what I said is true.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    Nelly- I don’t give the money upfront because some of the dancers here will give a great experience just for the $100 and I don’t want to be upsold right away. She got her hundred dollars and then pretty soon after that wanted $500 more. She declared that the $100 was for the room as though that didn’t buy me any effort on her part. The ones I keep coming back to are honest with me or at least more honest. I know everyone is different. I knew better than to take a new girl with no reviews into the CR without discussing her menu first, but most of my recent experiences here have been really positive, especially with day girls, so my guard was down.
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
    Hey btw would the last stripper at Club Desire that hasn’t yet been discussed in Major League Baseball scouting report detail, please stand up. We’re gonna need to take a police sketch.
  • Locutusbrg
    8 months ago
    I think you are 100% able to criticize a experience that was poor HP. So I get it. I will say that the house gets the money for 15 minutes up front. I am not offended when the girl asks for the same. But I am turned off if we have an "experience" agreement and she wants that up front in excess of the room fee. It's a poor indication of enjoyment.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    The OP is a shit stirrer, a fraud and a liar. The whole story reeks of bullshit.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    Ok Skibum- ignore my warnings and go do a 45 minute CR with Venus and Rosie. Tell us how much fun it was when you’re done.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    Unlike you I don't name names or tell people what I do. I am not some shut in pussy trying to cause trouble on the board.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    ^Calling out scam artists is good for this board and good for the club. It’s also good for us hobbyists. There’s no point to this if we’re just going to say everyone’s great and not be honest who’s good and who isn’t. WTF are you even on here for Trumper?
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    ^Perfect. Thanks for proving my point.
  • JimGassagain
    8 months ago
    You two should meet up at Club Desires and prove your points to each other like the tough guys you portray on here. Bacon!!
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    Someone said he hangs out at the Bullpen so I’m good keeping it long distance.
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    Why didn't you do one song with her first? That would have let you know she was sweaty and had a mole. Personally, I don't think either of those things would necessarily bother me personally. She was about as scammy as most people are when they're selling you something. People aren't as honest as they should be. You're better off not dwelling on it, and getting torqued about it. But, good info, you didn't say anything she could be arrested or fired for.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    If you read the thread I own up to my own mistake of not talking about expectations beforehand. The sweat and the mole might not have been a big deal if everything else was fun. Sometimes I find women aren’t as fun in the single song room and don’t reveal what they’re like in the CR there but some do and you have a point. I’m not dwelling on this at all. I just wanted to share the experience with other guys here so they don’t waste their time and money. And I was pissed off at the time when I wrote it. I’d been having mostly really good experiences here so my guard was down. I actually have found a lot of women here who are at least honest about expectations in the CR and that’s why this is a successful regulars club. If it were a clip joint they wouldn’t get so much repeat business like they do. The kind of behavior Venus exhibits is more in line with a place like that. $500 for what she was asking me for and then trying to shake me down if I came in my pants? Her dance sucked so there was no chance of that happening.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    The quality of the dance oftentimes reflects the quality of the customer.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    ^So what kind of dance does a maga hick get when you’re there? An Amber Heard special?
  • scarface03
    8 months ago
    I've done a couple VIP's with Venus. She's more strict than most Desire dancers, and is probably quoting ridiculous prices because she didn't want to do what was requested, at least with this customer. I found her pleasant, professional, and she gave a good VIP experience both times, and there was no difficultly over service or money. I'm inclined to think the OP is more the issue! But the bigger point is I don't think you should avoid a dancer over one internet review. Of course the reviewer could be fully or partly accurate, but we don't know if the reviewer was revolting to the dancer in terms of appearance or behavior. In regards to Venus, I think she's worth seeing for an affordable old school experience, but is not worth pursuing for extras.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
    ^I did not ask for the extras. She brought it up. I’ve been a customer for a long time here and treat the dancers with respect. When I rejected her offer she then gave me the nonsense about having to pay if I came in my pants.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    ^ You have issues with all the dancers, but not in real life since you have never been to Desires. Scarface dope slapped that silly simp grin off your face bitch.
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    @HHP remember if you ever think of her when you wank you have to cashapp her something.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    8 months ago
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