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1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Providence stabbing.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Shortly before 1 AM Saturday morning, a Providence Police officer was alerted to a disturbance at 1 Franklin Square at Club Desire off Allens Avenue.

The officer who arrived said they saw a man “actively fighting with a group of Hells Angels.”

According to police, a member of the club’s security team used mace to break up the fight.

Police said they then saw an individual on the ground suffering from a stab wound.

The victim — a male in his 30s — was taken by rescue to Rhode Island Hospital.

Police say an individual was detained for disorderly conduct; detectives are still continuing to investigate the incident.


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avatar for loper
a year ago
So, was the stabbed individual a Hell's Angel or was it "a man"?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
The story on GoLocalProv says exactly what Shadow posted.
avatar for nelly76
a year ago
I was there on a rare Friday night for me between 12 and 2, and literally had no idea that this happened. I also didn't see any obvious Hell's Angels inside.

There were a few cops there when I first got there, so maybe they got to it quickly.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
If they ever shut down Desire half of TUSCL will homeless
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
a year ago
The Hells Angels are often upstairs in Lust. Usually one of them will have a membership and they’ll all pile onto that. But I’ve seen them downstairs too. They’re definitely not to be messed with and I even avoid making eye contact with them. They have a look in their eyes that is hard to explain.
avatar for Mate27
a year ago
I never knew blahblahblah was a Hell’s Angel. Go figure….
avatar for scarface03
a year ago
I've seen the Hells Angels at the club frequently, and always try to keep a respectful distance.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
a year ago
Yeah they look like psychopaths. They’re friends with some of the dancers. Lil’ Emma was friends with them. I haven’t seen her in a while so I don’t know if she’s still there. But one of the girls told me that they kind of overdo it with the Lust membership like I mentioned earlier. That must be interesting as a dancer having to deal with them. But I’m guessing it’s the rougher girls they’re atttacted to maybe.
avatar for snoozeuloose4
a year ago
One of the dancers told me they were closed on Saturday. She went to work and the doors were locked. Not sure if they will reopen today, Sunday. Will need to wait and see. If memory serves, when this happened at the Caddilac Lounge, the place was closed for a few weeks until the License Board gave them permission to reopen.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Eh. I know a couple of Hells Angels in the Rhode Island chapter. One of them pretty well. I've never had a problem with them in the clubs. They mostly want to have their fun and not ruin a good thing. I mean, I wouldn't rush to get into a shoving match with any of them, but they mostly keep to themselves.

Desire is open today, for what it's worth.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
Years back the Pagans used to have girls working in some of the strip clubs on Long Island, they would usually drop off and pick up girls at several clubs mainly on the south shore, I never heard that they had any problems, but I did know in Brooklyn most of the clubs were owned by Russians and Italians, and it wouldn’t surprise me to hear of a relationship between the M. C. Clubs and some strip clubs.
avatar for Soul_Collector
a year ago
Don’t think it was open all weekend or limited. Board of licenses said it was shutdown for 72 hours with a hearing on Monday.
avatar for nelly76
a year ago
This was posted on the other board, and I summarized it, and can confirm it, and added my own:

We were there Friday night, and had no idea that the stabbing happened.

We were at Desire before midnight, and were in all sections of the bar and Lust, and never heard anything from anyone about an altercation or stabbing. We left at normal closing time, 2 am, and not a word about it. We also never noticed Hell's Angels in the place, but we don't look at guys.

Here was the wierd occurence of the night as far as we were concened, and it happened about 1 am, while someone was getting stabbed outside. Mia was stripping. Decent loooking girl who has put on some weight, which I know some guys love.

A guy standing at the stage had a huge stack of singles, at LEAST $500 worth.

He's throwing $50-100 at a time, and went through the whole stack. And she just ignored him for most of the time. No smiling, no thank you, no particular attention.

I assume they know each other, and maybe this is their thing, but you think she would be more appreciative, or at least smiling, especially when others are watching. I know she has fans, but I'm not one of them anymore, seeing that she's not very appreciative of $500 getting thrown her way.

Of course, anything is possible. Maybe they're working together, and it's her money, and he's throwing it at her so that she gets more attention and looks more valuable. I don't know. It was just so weird.

As far as the stabbing goes, there's an article at WPRI.COM at
that says that:

- Providence Police Major David Lapatin says the club reopened Sunday because there's no threat to public safety.
- the Desire's attorney says the club provided video and sworn statements to show the business had nothing to do with the incident and should be allowed to open.
- Police said "the victim suffered not life threatening injuries". They not talk too good.
- Another hearing with the Board Of Licensing is scheduled to take place on Monday afternoon.

I'm guessing this will have no efffect on the club, since there was a murder at Caddy that barely affected the club, and I don't think they ever found the killer for that.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
a year ago
I heard the Caddy killer or killers fled the state and they’re trying to locate him or them.

avatar for skibum609
a year ago
A stabbing death began the end of Boston's combat zone, a place which was insane in the 1970s.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
a year ago
Yeah but that was because it was some Harvard kid. How many murders have happened in the clubs here? Plus the Cheaters 15 year old girl?
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Andrew Puopolo was the Harvard football player killed. The zone was essentially done within the next year. His first cousin was in my frat, so we had all met the decedent. The moral of the story is never get yourself killed over money, especially when it's not yours.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
If I remember correctly, the Combat Zone attracted a lot of crime in general because it was numerous adult businesses concentrated in such a small area. So, that concentration made it an attractive target and the killing of the Harvard kid kicked it off.

Providence had a smaller version of that when city hall decided it was done with strip clubs in downtown Providence. That ended the Sportsman's Inn (no loss there...) and Satin Doll (which was actually a fun little club).

Now you have Foxy and Caddie over in one part of not downtown. Desire, Wonderland, and a smattering of other adult businesses on Allens Ave in an industrial area. And Fantasies on life support over on Sims waiting for condo developers to buy it out.

The clubs in Providence really don't attract that much trouble or attention. Cheaters was the club that always put a spotlight on the whole scene. Good riddance.
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
a year ago
I remember going to the Naked Eye or the Two O'Clock.

I was young but I knew, mind your own business nd you were fine.

In those days it gave me just the right amount of sexual excitement and fear!
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
a year ago
I used to go to the Naked I. Basically in the 90’s. Some nice looking dames there but no real action at least that I knew of. You just paid to sit and talk to the girls. They got naked on the stage though and would spread their pussy lips apart on the stage and stuff like that. I missed the era when it was at its peak though and I wish we still had it in all its glory. The Glass Slipper is sketchy and Centerfolds is overpriced.
avatar for nelly76
10 months ago
>I heard the Caddy killer or killers fled the state and they’re trying to locate him or them.


All you have to do to get away with murder in Rhode Island is to drive 30 minutes to flee the state? THe Cadillac Lounge murder happened about 16 months ago, so it looks like you're right.
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