I’m not an elitist snob….

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
But it was nice to see the Senate adopt a resolution requiring members to dress in business attire - jacket, tie and long pants.

That Fetterman freak was making a mockery of the institution by showing up in a hoodie and basketball shorts.

I know times have changed - people wear gym attire to fly instead of a jacket and tie. And gone are the days men wore a white shirt and tie to a baseball game.

But Fetterman was disrespecting the dignity of the office. L

avatar for caseyx
a year ago
I don't want to go back to a time where everything is formal. I don't particularly like getting dressed up. But there's a time and place for it. The Senate floor is one of those places. Fetterman has been making a mockery of the institution. He claimed that not wearing a suit was necessary for his mental health. If the man can't make himself look presentable maybe he shouldn't be a Senator. I might cut the man some slack if he had been showing up in khakis and a button down. But shorts and a hoodie?

Question for those who might know: did men wear a jacket and tie to take a long distance train in the 50's and 60's? Airline travel was pretty exclusively the domain of the wealthy back in those days so I could imagine the standards might have reflected that demographic.
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