
This site has some engineering issues. User experience is rough.

Free subscription with reviews so I don't want to complain too much, but holy cow. There must be a caching issue or something because pages often take forever to load or just don't load at all. No search bar. Back arrow takes you back to the listing home page, not to whatever page you were on. Middle-click only works on some links. Login doesn't always stick.

Even clicking the "Start Discussion" button took a handful of attempts.

I love the resource, but it's extremely frustrating to use from a UX perspective.


  • Electronman
    a year ago
    The problem with slow loading has gotten worse over the past week.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    The old version of this site had some unobtrusive advertising on it, but I haven't seen any so far on the new version. I wouldn't wan pop-ups or any such thing. But I hope the lack of advertising isn't going to make the site unsustainable.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Where the heck is Rech when you need him?
  • SquareCastle
    a year ago
    The founder probably runs this site out the back of a used bookstore somewhere in Berkeley, CA (at least that’s how I picture him). Give him a break and some time. He’ll come through - but he definitely matches to the beat of his own drum.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    The last week or so the site has slowed down. Maybe founder is tinkering with some new features.
  • deboinair
    a year ago
    Yeah this site is designed like we are still in 1997.
  • From978
    a year ago
    And, presto! Site response is dramatically faster. Thanks to whoever addressed the problem.
  • Nixur68
    a year ago
    Same here. Things take forever to load sometimes.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    Yeah from a user stand point and my limited knowledge of behind the scenes issues here the changes have sucked IMO.
    Lots of guys here praise the changes and give props to founder for those changes. I don't know if they're serious or just sucking up to founder and looking for brownie points, *BTW I don't think founder is the type that's influenced by brown nosing*

    I think the board is worse than it's ever been in the years I've been here and even going back to the previous days I lurked before I signed up.
    That's the main reason I'm hardly here any more.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    I miss San Jose guy. Iceeloco and desert scrub and their comments. and the ads for the Indian movers.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    One of my disappointments is not being able to see any comments on the reviews that I have posted. and that includes my own comments on my reviews.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    I guess I better write up some good reviews to post that will get approved so I can have VIP access.
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