Chicago Club
Av Constitución 414 Zona Nte., 22000 Tijuana, B.C. Mexico

Do you need an ID to do a short term room rental at CC?

Strip Club Connoisseur
Friday, July 21, 2023 5:21 PM
I'm staying at Cascadas soon, and planning to pop over to CC to compare to HK while I'm there. My question is on whether or not I need to bring an ID. I might leave the wallet in the safe at HK and just bring cash, but will I be able to do a short term room rental if necessary without ID at CC/Jalos? And while we're here... any other tips on getting the most out of a first visit to CC?


  • bang69
    a year ago
    Always have your ID with you. As far as the room.Good question.
  • OG12346
    a year ago
    If you take a CC chica up to one of their rooms for ariba for 30 minutes you will not need id. If you get stopped on the street by a crooked policia, you will need your id.
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago
    You are supposed to have a valid current passport and a Mexican “Tourist Card” (FMM Card) or tourist “visa", in your possession at all times when visiting Tijuana Mexico as a tourist. A tourist visa is a document that authorities use to "Manage Security Concern" in the country being visted by law abiding tourist. If you have nothing to hide and era not a criminal with a record, you should be happy to show your passport and Tourist Card” (FMM Card) when asked for by anyone whit the authority to verify you are a tourist visiting the Happiest Place on earth. [view link] Just be careful out there, as careful as you would be visiting any country red light district.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    The only place I have ever used ID south of the border is Hong Kong for the VIP card.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    I've enjoyed a number of girls arriba at Chicago over 9 years but hotel jalos is not up to standards. The chicago girl really got to knock my socks off for me to take her arriba at jalos.
  • craigers691
    a year ago
    It's not clear to me, but it seems there are two hotels linked to CC: (1) Hotel Jalos and (2) Hotel Leyva (possibly named Hotel Posada de Santiago after remodeling). I may have that wrong, but piecing together the limited reviews, it seems like Hotel Jalos is their hotel for short-time engagements, and Hotel Leyva/Posada is a bit nicer and a better choice for booking an overnight room. I'm hoping someone can confirm. I probably won't get down there again this year.
  • craigers691
    a year ago
    BTW, regarding ID, I agree it is unlikely they will ask for short-time. It used to be you could even book an overnight room without ID, but HK/Cascadas started checking recently. I have also seen others mentioning the FMM tourist card, but in ~10 visits I have never purchased one. I always cross over the pedestrian bridge. The agent on the Mexico side usually takes a quick glance at my passport and waives me through. On two occasions, they asked a few questions and stamped my passport, but never mentioned the card. It could be because I am crossing on foot and only staying for 24 hours.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    my experiences, the Mexican agents are inconsistent requiring an FMM.
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