logo for The Filly Gentlemen's Club
The Filly Gentlemen's Club
150 Motordrome Road Smithton, PA 15479


avatar for bill Vern
bill Vern
Has anyone been here recently and have a update on dancer names and how service has been? It has been a while since I went and plan on visiting again real soon!


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avatar for jaying84
2 years ago
See my recent review.
avatar for bill Vern
bill Vern
2 years ago
Jaying84 I don’t see one recent there from you
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
There are two ways to sort this out. You can look at the user profile and for their reviews or click on Read All XXX Reviews to see more reviews from the club listing.

Or you could be more specific when you ask for something recent. For a lot of guys sometime in the same calendar year is recent. For others it's six months, three months, etc.
avatar for bill Vern
bill Vern
2 years ago
Thank you wallanon I had no clue
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