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Daisy Dooks
3680 W 83rd St Davenport, IA 52806

Layla is a ROB

avatar for Pothole_p
Paid for an hour $300 for an hour VIP. She got pissed because I wasn’t enjoying her topless (nude club) air dances. Management refused to refund my money even though she refused to perform.


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You feel cheated coz she didn't fuck you and just did her job and danced 🤡
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
ashamed that this is one of my home clubs. but i know all these hot robs and that's what's up.
(manager got 40% of that).
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
great post pothole.
new guests/members should know some of the ungrateful, scheming thieves they're dealing with before paying them *anything*, especially the known two-faced r/cunts here trolling then bashing tuscl.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Strip clubs are not Amazon - there are no refunds in strip clubs (with rare exceptions) - strip clubs are in the business of taking your $$$ not giving it back to you; once a club/stripper has your $$$ u can pretty-much kiss-it-goodbye - strip clubs are mostly shady places with a good # of shady people - no one will look out for you in a club except yourself - any time you pay upfront you have zero leverage left (the dancers and the club know this and why it's so easy to ripoff custies) - anytime you pay upfront doesn't mean you'll get ripped-off but you def run the risk of getting $hafted and why I have a "don't pay upfront" policy (with rare exception) - fortunately I've never visited a club where upfront payment is required (except the room fee).

You're not the first custy nor the last to get ripped off - for various reasons it's unfortunately part of the seedy world of strip clubs.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
pothole…. nothing like this hasn’t happened to you before? then you are lucky. it happens.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
To get an hour in VIP for $300 - that’s a very good/low price.

I agree with Papi. It’s not Amazon where you can get a refund.

It’s good this information is available so other customers don’t get hit by Layla.
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
It sounds like Layla is a good name for her. Sounds like she got you on your knees. You certainly didn't have her on hers...
avatar for Pothole_p
3 years ago
@ desert every strip climb I’ve been in requires payment up front before you’re allowed in VIP. If there is a list that let you pay afterwards I’m interested. Please post that list as my job Thales me all over the US so I’m sure I can hit on and report back.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
The pay-upfront thing seems regional - I've been in over 120 clubs and never been to one where I'm required to pay upfront (except for a VIP room fee) - i.e. there are plenty of clubs where you don't pay for dances, nor VIP (dancer payment) upfront - it mainly has to do with where (city) one is clubbing in.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
dang makes you want to stick to chair dances even more now if this is how ish is going down in the VIP section. Potential rip offs, no thank you.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
@Papi_Chulo really? YOu found clubs where you don't pay upfront. Perhaps not the dances but I have yet to hear of a VIP where you don't pay upfront.
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