How will the media doing this?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
A month after the Buffalo supermarket shooting, every news story still begins with “the racist shooting in Buffalo…”
This week three black teens beat a white teen to death at LeBron’s I Promise School in Akron. Wondering how the media and the NBA will spin this one
This week three black teens beat a white teen to death at LeBron’s I Promise School in Akron. Wondering how the media and the NBA will spin this one
Other stuff can just be handled by the local authorities.
This is an article about the arrest:…
The assaulted group of four youths were two white, two black. The youth who was killed was one of the two who were white. Based on what was being reported the person who was killed didn't have an actual weapon, just a water gun if anything, though he and his friends put themselves in a bad situation. The articles don't say if the people involved in the confrontation knew each other.
Good Lord, his group had a water gun. They were dumb but he didn’t deserve to be beaten to death
Only men are sexists.
Only straight people are transphobic.
A black jury will not find a black person guilty of a crime against a white person (OJ).
Black lives matter, white lives don't matter.
Hope that clears things up for you.
If a black kid had been beaten to death by white men, it would be all over the MSM as a hate crime. Ben Crump would already be out there doing his racebaiting and stirring up the useful idiots and uninformed masses (aka the democrat base). As it is, this will likely be ignored.
This case wasn't about race.