anti-sex-work + anti-abortion = bullshitter

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Doesn't make sense to say you are unwilling to legalize a misdemeanor to prevent what you supposedly consider to be murder. Making abortion illegal won't stop all of them. It will cause many to be done illegally, or make them require a trip to another state or country. Sex work that doesn't involve vaginal penetration, or is done with a condom, will reduce the number of unintentional pregnancies.


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avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
The narratives around both subjects are largely bias confirmation exercises as well as bullshit. Both are fundamentally about controlling women and what they do with their bodies. The oldest, boringest story in the book.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Don’t mean to hijack this thread - but here’s another example of liberal hypocrisy

Libs will say….

“If abortions are illegal they will still happen thru back channels”

While at the same time say

“If guns are made illegal all crime and mass murders will magically be eliminated”
avatar for Pussylicker2
3 years ago
Of course abortion is murder, it's a human being who is being killed. To say anti-abortion is about controlling what women do with their bodies is as silly as saying laws that prevent me from beating someone to death is about controlling what I do with my body. If a woman says she doesn't want this person to live in her uterus, how about a compromise and do a c-section? That's not what they want, because then you could actually see the person you are murdering. They want to pretend the person never existed. Personally i think you should be allowed to kill your own children, it's none of my business if you do. It's legal to cut the end of a baby's dick off even though there is no medical reason to, just religious reasons. Babies have been mutilated by doctors because the parents wanted a girl, so the doctor makes one. If might be less cruel to just kill it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
When someone is brain dead, but still has a beating heart, their organs can be transplanted to save other lives. This will stop the heartbeat. Is that murder?

According to Science, a fetus is brain dead until about the sixth month of pregnancy. I mean the kind of Science that isn't just pulling "of course" out of your ass.
avatar for Player11
3 years ago
I look to the Australian example of sex work legalization.

A woman should have the right of choice in regards to her body (abortion). This supported by an overwhelming majority. Why are we still having this conversation?

IMO - Sex work should be legalized. This would bring down pop and is very sensible.

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