I suspect that the reviews will give you a good indication of that. Or, go to the club and post a review. After you do that a few times, people will feel more comfortable volunteering information.
Normally I wouldn't respond to an unknown person asking questions about most places, but it's common knowledge the The Red Garter in Key West, is nothing but a total rip off spot, avoid this place like it was radioactive.
The booths upstairs have cameras. The LD areas downstairs are too open (the one across from the VIP stairs) and too crowded (the one in the back) for anything extra to happen at Red Garter.
There might be sordid things occurring in some massage parlors. But, there is no hanky panky happening in any strip club! Get those filthy thoughts out of your mind Mary Sue!
I wouldn't go as far as 25 as to say Red Garter is a total ripoff. It's touristy, over priced, and has a higher than the mainland percentage of ROB's but it's not a complete scam. The one that's really bad is the VIP Club. That's the joint with the girls sitting out front promising the world and then running up 4 and 5 digit credit card charges. But, overall "happy endings" aren't really to be had at any of the Key West clubs unless you're a jizz in your pants kinda guy.
last commentMarySue, you wanted “the cost of a a piece of meat”
There might be sordid things occurring in some massage parlors. But, there is no hanky panky happening in any strip club! Get those filthy thoughts out of your mind Mary Sue!
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4