
Alternative Sexual Politics

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Monday, November 29, 2021 10:37 PM
Magia Sexualis, by Hugh B. Urban (2006)

p. 32
"The fears of religious heresy dangerously combined with sexual licentiousness were to recur through out the history of Western Christianity, from the time of the Gnostics down to out generation and our own obsessions with Satanic child abuse and devil-worshipping teenagers, but they would reach a particularly intense new height during the high and late Middle Age, from roughly the twelfth to the fifteen centuries.

Malcolm D. Lambert
The Cathars (Peoples of Europe) 1st Edition (1998)

p. 33

"...the great irony of these accusations is that again, much like the Gnostics, these groups tended on the whole to be anything but hedonistic or sexually indulgent; on the contrary, they were generally highly ascetic and even antisexual. ... held a strongly dualistic worldview that identified the material world and the body with the forces of darkness, condemning marriage and sex as unclean relations. ...condemned marriage, sexual intercourse, and procreation of children, which only perpetuate existence in this suffering physical realm. Rejecting the authority of the Catholic Church as a corrupt and self-serving institution, the Cathars quickly drew a large following from a wide array of groups that had become disaffected with "the world, with its social organization (feudal society) and with its guide, the Church of Rome."

I had read once a book written by a guy who had traveled to Montségur, the final strong hold and martyrdom site of the Medieval Cathars. He asked one woman, "How many of the people here were Cathars?"

She replied, "We all were, and we still are."


Speaking of the Cathars and the related Bogomils

p. 34
"Perhaps the primary reason for the intense persecution of the Cathars, Bogomils, and other groups was simply that they represented a forceful and popular challenge to the existing structure of power. ...according to Cathar belief, human beings can become perfect and free themselves from the bonds of the material world by their own rational choice and free will, without need for external political or religious authority: "Capable of rational control, they can purify themselves of natter and again become perfect. Do they then need control by outside authorities?" Second and more important, however, the Cathars also subverted existing gender roles: a teaching common to virtually all Cathar texts is the condemnation of marriage and procreation. A woman's role as wife and mother has no value, since giving birth and nurturing children only perpetuates the evil of existence in the body. ... Both sexes could become perfects, preach and administer the sacrament."

"...the primary reason for the persecution of such groups was that they were attempting -- not unlike the early Christians under the Roman Empire -- to liberate themselves from the existing social structure by means of an alternative sexual politics. Yet ironically, they were refracted through the lens of the dominant religious and political order, the charge brought against them was precisely that of sexual liberation in the sense of illicit, immoral sexual relations."



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
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  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    As is usually the case with Gnostic groups, what we know about them is usually being written by their detractors. This is no less true for the Bogomils and Cathars mentioned above.

    The idea that they were dualistic, anti-body, anti-sex, anti-marriage, and anti-procreation is probably not true.

    They are no more anti- than is Christian Orthodoxy with its doctrines. Its just that these Gnostics were willing to talk about these things openly.

    Generally they did not see sex as sinful, but they maybe saw procreation in a more neutral sense, not something to glorify.

    But for the Church, this was enough to make them an enemy.

    Cathars are sometimes called Pater Nosters because they would sit in a circle and recite the Lord's Prayer over and over.

    Now true, this was already a threat, because they taking care of their own spirituality. First time I attended a Taize service I was surprised at how much it must have been like a Cathar service.

    Every hour they were reciting the Lord's Prayer was an hour they were not confessing their sins to male celibates and an hour they were not listening to sermons from the same.

    But are you really going to burn people at the stake for reciting the Lord's Prayer?

    No, it has always been clear to me that the Cathars had and used methods of contraception and abortion.

    These things have been known for as long as people lived in cities. But the knowledge was concealed.

    With the Cathars, these things were widely known. So it was true that they were seceding from the social structure by making an alternative sexual politics.

    The region did actually enjoy a high birth rate and high rate of population growth, but these things were no longer forced and controlled, and so the Church had great reason for fear.

    And then it was after the masaqure of the
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    And then it was after the massacre of the Cathars that the Church shifted from the looser teaching of Thomas Aquinas to the extremist teaching of Augustine, who sees any method of contraception as murder.

    Augustine supposedly converted to Christianity when he was ready to accept celibacy. But really it was after he was ready to accept being childfree. He called people who had children, "incontinent". This is what we call people who cannot control their urine. And the translation from his Latin to English should be accurate.

    So really, who was more dualistic and anti-children, the Cathars, or Augustine?

    And it was Francis of Assisi who promoted the use of Manger Scenes specifically to better campaign against the Cathars and Bogomils.

    Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience is one of the greatest scams this world has even known. They have never for one second been honest about what they are doing or why. It is about power and control and being able to preach about what you yourself do not do.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772)

    He was a mystic, and he retained mistresses and advocated for legal brothels. He never married. He wrote at length about interpretation of sculpture. Swedenborg's conception of religion was a sexual theology.

    He learned something of Kabbalistic sexual techniques as well as Taoist and Tantric sexual techniques.

    "The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love"

    Swedenborg's views on conjugal love would have a tremendous impact on most later esoteric and occult traditions in the West from the eighteenth century onward.

    Sexual liberation is what gives you social and political liberation.

    William Blake (1757 - 1827)
    saw sexual union as the way of restoring the original unfallen androgynous state in Paradise.


    Josephine Baker, French Resistance

    Action Teddy
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Sex is meant to be practiced.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    But there are still cultural constraints, often associated with religion and economic status, which severely have restricted it. The Medieval Cathars sought to change this, so they got burnt at the stake.

    The same forces are still at work in the United States to this very day.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Paschal Beverly Randolph



    pg 55

    "... Randolph even claimed for sexual magic the power to solve all social ills and so lead the way to an ideal, harmonious, perhaps even millennial new world."

    "Randolph's teachings were also to have a tremendous influence on a wide array of later occult movements in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, inspiring a host of new magical groups from ..."

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    "... the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor and the Ordo Templi Orientis ... intriguing life and his original system of sexual magic, or "affectional alchemy".

    "And increasingly throughout this period, sexuality was regarded as at once the most powerful and potentially most dangerous force in human life, a sacred power that was crucial to happiness and well-being, but one that could easily be abused and lead to moral or social ruin."

    "... Randolph was also rather ahead of his time in many ways, particularly in his attitudes toward society, race, and women. Not only was he an outspoken abolitionist and a founder of the National Equal Rights League, but he was also a defender of women's rights and with a utopian vision of a genuinely free and equal society. And for Randolph, healthy, mutual, and sacralized sex was a key part of achieving this social vision."

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Ruuben Swinburn Clymer

    Clymer, R. Swinburne (Reuben Swinburne), 1878-1966.
    The mysteries of Osiris; or, Ancient Egyptian initiation. Setting
    forth the symbolism, mythology, legends, and parables beginning with
    the outer religious systems of the Egyptians, primarily based on the
    drama of the heavens; together with the inner or esoteric
    interpertations as taught in the lesser and greater mysteries active
    throughout the ages, including the present. (1951)

    Fraternitas Rosæ Crucis
    The Beverly Hall Corporation
    Quakertown, PA 18951

    Close to Allentown PA

    Clymer Rd


    Sacredness of Sex, Paschal Beverly Randolph



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  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Hugh B. Urban does recognize Fraternitas Saturni as a spin off of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis). Actually it was when the surviving OTO founder Theodore Reuss passed and Aleister Crowley came to be the head, then the Germans did not want to follow Crowley. We know not why. This was 1922. They did maintain cordial relations with Crowley. They did have something known as Panosophy. But then in 1926 Eugene Grotsch, Berlin Occult Bookstore owner and participant in the 1918 Social Democratic Uprising which deposed the Kaiser and helped end WWI, started Fraternitas Saturni.

    The OTO name recognizes how much they are drawing from Eastern Tantric teachings.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Magia Sexualis by Hugh B. Urban
    pg 184

    God is Coming, and She Is Pissed!
    From Divine Rage to Women's Sexual Liberation

    Sexuality--"sexual brightness"--freed from the shackles of obligatory breeding is what makes us specifically human. ... Sexual relatedness is a great creative force at all levels, not merely the procreative; and when the patriarchal system, particularly in the shape of a celibate hierarchy, tries to deny or distort that truth, it is blinding itself to reality.

    Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar, The Witches Way.

    Originally published 1984


    The Witches' Goddess
    the Feminine Principle of Divinity
    Farrar, Janet

    A witches' Bible : the complete witches' handbook / Janet and Stewart Farrar.

    lots of books!

    The inner mysteries : progressive witchcraft and connection with the Divine / Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone.

    Never really been attracted to Wicca or Neo-Paganism. But I do need to understand it.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Witchcraft for Tomorrow Paperback – October 31, 1993
    by Doreen Valiente (Author)

    The Rebirth of Witchcraft
    by Valiente, Doreen (2007)

    An ABC of witchcraft past & present / Doreen Valiente (1973)

    The rebirth of witchcraft / Doreen Valiente


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Magia Sexualis by Hugh B. Urban, page 184

    Sex is an exchange of power in the form of energy that flows between two beings. But the culture of estrangement distorts all power into power-over domination. ... The erotic becomes another arena of domination and submission. ... A true transformation of our culture would require reclaiming the erotic as power-from-within, as empowerment.

    Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics.

    Elements of Magic
    Reclaiming Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit, Forward by Starhawk

    The Spiral Dance
    a Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess

    Circle Round
    Raising Children in Goddess Traditions

    Many books she has!

    first one, 1979
    The spiral dance : a rebirth of the ancient religion of the great goddess / Starhawk.


    Iris Renee
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Magia Sexualis by Hugh B. Urban (2006) page 126

    ... Tantric traditions use a form of physical discipline known as Kundalini Yoga. According to the Kundalini system, there are a series of seven energy centers (chakras) located along the axis of the spinal column. At the base of these lies the Great Goddess as power (Shakti) hidden in the human body, which is imagined in the form of a coiled serpent (Kundalini). The aim of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken this serpent power and to raise it through the seven energy centers where it will ultimately be united with the supreme masculine principle, the god Shiva, who is imagined as dwelling in a thousand-petaled lotus at the top of the head.


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  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    Crowley more or less accepts this basic system of seven chakras and the serpent power; yet, quite remarkably, he also adds a special set of lower chakras located beneath the lowest energy center, in the regions of the anus, the prostrate gland (or urethra-cervix region in the female, and the base of the penis (or clitoris in the female).

    He wrote about this in a 1916 letter, and I think it is quoted in Kenneth Grant's Magical Revival, pg82-83



    This is a freaky 1965 movie which I saw decades ago on broadcast TV
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Lawrence Sutin, Do What Thou Wilt: A Life of Aleister Crowley, St. Martin's Press 2000

    Do what thou wilt : a life of Aleister Crowley / Lawrence Sutin (2000)

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