belax raid

avatar for Jascoi
$51 dance is maybe three minutes? when you prepay you can ask the girl for 2for1.

i heard that belax had a bust recently and now things are really messed up here. new cameras n shit.


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Why would anyone pay $51 for a 3 minute lap dance ?
Back in '66 I had an apartment in Hawthorne for 15 months while finishing my USAF term at Air Force Space Systems Division in El Segundo. I was not a big time strip club visitor at the time because I was young and was born and lived in the area but the few time that I did visit the clubs are LAX I don't ever remember paying the ridiculous prices that the are asking now.
avatar for mule7
Los Angeles
4 years ago
Bare Elegance is near LAX and a lot of their customers are men who are in town on business and have expense accounts. A man on an expense account might be willing to pay $51 for a three minute lap dance.

Regular customers of the Bare know that you can have that $51 cover two lap dances if you wait until they call a two-for-one or merely ask the dancer in advance. Regular customers also know that the three-for-$136 dances are a better bargain and that during a two-for-one or if you ask in advance, they can be 4-for-$136. With the right dancer, things can happen during four dances that will make $136 feel like a bargain.

But the club is expensive, no doubt. So is a steak at a Wolfgang Puck restaurant. Sometimes, it feels worth it and sometimes, it doesn't.

Before the pandemic, most of the dancers would walk around the club nude and even come over, sit on your lap and cuddle. If that was all you did on a visit, you got a lot of fun for the admission price and the price of one drink. That was a real bargain. The cost of lap dances didn't seem as high if you took that into account.

I'm not defending high prices but I've been to strip clubs where I felt ripped off paying $10 for one dance.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Well that sucks. The fun police are really put the squeeze on the high quality clubs. I haven't been to BELAX in a few years, but it's always on the list if I'm out near LA.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I was gonna check it out this week but maybe I’ll hit some other places

Pics and Vids or link to the BELAX raid/bust or it didn’t happen.

I heard from the waitress about a week ago the “raid” was on alcohol. They were known to provide vodka under the table to customers that requested, and apparently a scorn dancer leaked it to the authorities. Extras and Bathroom attendant Nose Candy apparently wasn’t the focus. But perhaps there is another raid I’m not aware of. Not sure.

In regards to the $51 dance, it’s basically a statement saying “we don’t want you to buy the cheapest option. Go bigger or go home.” The longer time frame you buy, the price per song drops.

Remember dancers usually get like 50% off the song payout. And the super hot dancers don’t want to be fondled for $10 (50% of a single song $20 dance) that other clubs will offer. As in life, the hotter she is… the more they expect.

Lastly, that said… the number of hot girls as a percent get has dropped. Used to be 75-80% hot dancers. After Covid I think that’s more like 30-40%. So there is absolutely no reason to pay top dollar lap dance price for average girls. They need to figure out this issue quickly or business is going to plummet.
avatar for Nixur68
4 years ago
Do they do? As far as I know, most LA Clubs are still in the process of recovering. I think it'll take until September or even later this winter. College student will be back and it'll be too cold to do things outside late.
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