Dayuse app

Used the Dayuse app for the first time last week. Biggest barrier was the fact that the only two hotels in Louisville that were listed on the app not at all convenient to the parties with whom I was meeting during the day. But a new one, near the airport, with availability from 9AM to 6PM, started being listed recently, so I decided to give it a try for one of my favorite single mothers.
Glad I did. Not only did I get a clean, brightly lit room, but we got to use the pool and hot tub, and even though I'd only expected an hour or two, the attraction of the pool induced her to stay until nearly checkout time. So for a roughly 40% premium over the 3 hour no-tell (which, while clean and safe, for me anyway, has seen better days), I got rough hour romp with my friend, with intermission for a meal (which the near-ish Qdoba was kind enough to deliver) and the pool/hot tub.
She's never been a clock watcher, except for a couple of occasions when a sitter was an issue, but this time she was in absolutely no hurry to leave; she was enjoying the time away from the kids, who were with their grandmother. We made it out with only about five minutes to spare.
When I handed her the cash, she said, "I almost feel like I shouldn't charge you." Of course, she *did* take the money. :D
Still gonna use the no-tell for later than afternoon hookups, but I'm definitely gonna be using that again for any day time meets.
Highly recommend if it lists any convenient hotels in your area.
Glad I did. Not only did I get a clean, brightly lit room, but we got to use the pool and hot tub, and even though I'd only expected an hour or two, the attraction of the pool induced her to stay until nearly checkout time. So for a roughly 40% premium over the 3 hour no-tell (which, while clean and safe, for me anyway, has seen better days), I got rough hour romp with my friend, with intermission for a meal (which the near-ish Qdoba was kind enough to deliver) and the pool/hot tub.
She's never been a clock watcher, except for a couple of occasions when a sitter was an issue, but this time she was in absolutely no hurry to leave; she was enjoying the time away from the kids, who were with their grandmother. We made it out with only about five minutes to spare.
When I handed her the cash, she said, "I almost feel like I shouldn't charge you." Of course, she *did* take the money. :D
Still gonna use the no-tell for later than afternoon hookups, but I'm definitely gonna be using that again for any day time meets.
Highly recommend if it lists any convenient hotels in your area.
last comment@twentyfive: This was one of the nicer hotels in that area. Yes, I *could* have gotten a whole night cheaper from another place, but not nearly as nice as this one. Even the no-tell would have been cheaper for the night (but see my response to muddy about her available), but not even close to the quality. And neither would have had a pool and hot tub. :)
As far as the "cancel anytime" thing, yeah, that's handy as hell, along with the fact that the app itself doesn't want a credit card. The *hotel* did, for a security, but when we left, I paid cash, and the hold came off the card.
At the moment, all of the Dayuse ones in Louisville are about 25-35% off from the overnight rate. And the price I paid for this one ended up being only about $13 more than I would have paid for the 3 hour room at Louisville Manor. And was a *hell* of a lot nicer.
A couple of years ago I also came across a website that allowed one to enjoy the amenities of a hotel w/o having to rent a room; that'd be pretty-cool for resort style hotels that have very nice pools; spas; restaurants; etc (can't remember the name of the website though nor if the prices were competitive).