The Raven
250 Lincoln Hwy Fairless Hills, PA 19030

Newer girl

Avatar for S4N4C1

Any word on Lucky? Just saw her for the 1st time tonight


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Avatar for Og12345

Lucky feeds you twice a day? STFU

Avatar for Cashman1234

You should post some reviews before asking about specific dancers.

Avatar for smack9x

They may have posted reviews and they probably got rejected. I tried posting two reviews and they got rejected for not having enough details so I gave up and posting reviews.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Smack9x I understand it can be frustrating - but it’s also not appropriate to pop in and just ask for full club and dancer details. If the information is in the reviews - then get a VIP membership and enjoy!

Avatar for misterorange

@smack9x - If your reviews got rejected perhaps you should try to write better ones. You don't have to be William Shakespeare or have flawless grammar. Just so long as it's coherent and provides enough useful information that it's worth reading. On the review screen there's a link to "guidelines" which should give you a pretty good idea of what to include.

Avatar for d_m1150

Is this the same Lucky from a few years ago who also danced at the now closed Ballpark?... early to mid-30's brunette, skinny with mid size C's that was almost always high? She was ok a few years ago however performance varied based on her current condition.

Avatar for gSteph

There is no Lucky, only Odds.

Avatar for S4N4C1

Yes still in Hawaii, I believe

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