
Celebs want to make sure your buildings are "healthy"

1 comment

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    This is likely not as benign as it seems – this IMO is part of the left’s takeover of society – this “seemingly benign certification” is a way by the left and environmentalists to pressure corporations – i.e. any corp/building which does not have this “socially conscious designation” will likely be targeted as “anti-environment” or “anti-social justice” or w/e shit the left wants to force corporations to do – this “certification” is a way of keeping score and a way to see which corps “are getting out of line” and not obeying the woke movement.

    Similarly there is another “benign” certification being put into place by the left – it’s an ESG score that which is another way of keeping woke scores (I think ESG stands for Environmental Social Governance) – if the left deems a corp as not having a high enough ESG (aka woke) score, then that corp will be targeted and pressured to “get in line w/ the woke powers to be or else” – similarly this ESG score can be targeted at individuals since you to have to be down w/ the woke movement or else – your ESG score may affect your credit-score and/or work in conjunction with your credit-score to see if you are deemed to be a fit member of woke-society – anything from being a gun owner to owning a gas-guzzling SUV to investing in none-woke companies will affect your ESG score and make it harder to qualify for loans or even get hired or even accepted to certain schools.

    All this “certification” is pretty-much a social woke score a la what the Chinese are doing w/ their social-credit-scoring-system which is part-and-parcel of leftist regimes and their intent on complete control over the masses.

    All these woke certifications; reparations; illegal-immigration; race-division; all is geared towards the left’s takeover of society not only here but abroad (Europe; etc) – this is not new and the left has been at work on this for decades and they see the pandemic and all the current social unrest as the best opportunity they’ve had in decades to implement their leftist world-order and that is what “The Great Reset” is all about – government/elites want a new world order w/ then in charge and for this to occur the United States must be brought down since it’s always stood as the best and most obvious example against their ideology – as long as the United States is a beacon of excellence and prosperity then their leftist world order will not have any appeal – the government/elites want to take over every aspect of society so they don’t have any obstacles to their complete power – more and more the government it taking control of the economy – unless things change we will soon just have two classes of people – those dependent on the government for their survival; and the elites in bed w/ the leftist government whom dare to not get out-of-line lest they lose their elite status – Janet Yellen is now trying to pressure other countries into having a minimal corporate tax-rate in order to cut-off any avenues against w/e taxation the government wants to impose – all this that is going on is a push by the international left to finally take over industrialized nations and put in place the socialist utopian dream they’ve been working towards for decades.

    One just needs to look at how many corporations are bending the knee to the woke mob - from what I heard Delta and Coca Colas originally supported the GA law and were even involved in its creation - but as soon as they were threatened by the left they immediately did a 180 - this is what we are in for the more and more the left takes more and more power - I also heard that is was just 50 MLB players (some sort of coalition of minority players) that wrote a letter to the commissioner to move the game from Atlanta - basically 50 players out of over a thousand - similarly it seems a lot of these big-tech-companies may likely be being pressured by the left to go after conservatives - prior to the election many on the left were calling for the break-up and/or regulation of big-tech but now you hardly hear a peep about it - you would think this would be one of the left's first-order of business now that they are in power - many are speculating big-tech was pressured by the left to take an anti-conservative stancd else the Dems were gonna go after them and break them up.

    This is how the left works - they look for fault-lines in society and then convince useful idiots to their cause making them think it's for the greater good - the hard-left doesn't give a fuck about "racial equity" nor "helpless immigrants" nor the fucking-environment, they will use w/e issue they can to destabalize society so they can take power and use young idealistic people as well as other useful-idiot-good-doers as their army and get them to think a country/nation needs to be brought down so then everything can "fair and just" - these useful-idiots don't know what's coming and how most of them will end up having decades of buyer's-remorse for having helped leftist totalitarians take over their nation - the left will lie, cheat, and steal (elections) - to them the ends justify whatever means - and once they have power they will turn-the-screws as tight as they can to keep that power since many of the useful-idiots will come to see how they were used but by then it will be too-late.
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