This girl is amazing at sucking dick, I would like to celebrate it but how?
She's the best at it. This chick I hang out with. My dick which has good length to it, goes all the way in, no teeth, no gagging, no complaining. I always just end up finishing in her throat, a throat with feels like it was almost molded to my dick's dimensions. I don't want to say prodigy (that's big time trouble there I'm not touching that) but she's a very talented 20 year old girl with a bright future of sucking dick. Now the thing the about it, I would like to reward her for it. I'm just not too sure how to go about it. If I told her "your the cocksucker of the century!", that almost sounds offensive because of how much that is used as an insult in our vernacular. Suck my dick=Fuck You nowadays. Two things by the way I need from this girl. I don't mean in it a bad way at all. I actually mean it as the highest compliment possible.
Has the way our language evolved over time led to the discrimination of girls like this who are in the trenches doing what I consider to be the most important job of all which are blowjobs. Us men would be powerless without them. But then again I also don't want to come on too too strong with it, and then she gets cocky (no pun intended) with her abilities and starts parading it around and showing off on guys that aren't me. I'm thinking like heart shaped lozenges to give her, she tells me my cum tastes good but that's probably bullshit.
Has the way our language evolved over time led to the discrimination of girls like this who are in the trenches doing what I consider to be the most important job of all which are blowjobs. Us men would be powerless without them. But then again I also don't want to come on too too strong with it, and then she gets cocky (no pun intended) with her abilities and starts parading it around and showing off on guys that aren't me. I'm thinking like heart shaped lozenges to give her, she tells me my cum tastes good but that's probably bullshit.
Compliment the act or the skills.
It is easy for a guy to give a compliment regarding sexual enjoyment or sexual skills - and for a girl to not know if it’s a true compliment or if it is a tongue in cheek remark.
Also, if you tell her that every blow job was the best ever, it doesn’t have the same weight as it becomes overused. Specific compliments regarding her technique and your physical compatibility might work nicely. Sex providers can hear compliments (that they are the best) after guys cum - so it can lose its power. It’s best to compliment her when you aren’t in the intense heat of passion.
I simply told her that she had a real talent there and that any time she wanted to do that again, she was welcome. I've found that if I say it with a smile, I can get away with just about anything.
Pics and Vids of the “cute enough” sugar baby giggling or it didn’t happen.
She gets her compliment and you get your mind blown (out through your cock).
Or else you can just kick them into a bottomless pit.