New Covid rules in Ohio will affect strip clubs

avatar for whodey
Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
Ohio Governor Mike Dewine just handed down his latest set of Covid rules that will impact businesses (including strip clubs) statewide.

- NO DANCING AND NO GAME PLAYING This means there is no reason to visit a strip club since no dancing will be allowed.

- NO OPEN CONGREGATION AREAS. This means no standing around at the bar, tip rail or on the smoking patios at clubs.

- MASKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES by all employees and all customers at all businesses except when seated and actively eating/drinking. While we have had a statewide mask order since mid-summer it hasn't been heavily enforced until now.

- If a business is caught violating the new orders the first offense will be a warning, a second offense and the business will be ordered closed for a minimum of 24 hours and further offenses will mean longer closures and possibly revoking the business license.

He also added that more restrictions could be coming soon including one big one that will kill strip clubs.

- If the trend in Covid spread does not stop by next Thursday (yeah right) he will order ALL BARS, RESTAURANTS and FITNESS CENTERS to be CLOSED because "these are places where it is difficult or impossible to maintain mask-wearing, which we know now is the chief way of slowing this virus."


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avatar for PhredJohnson
4 years ago
“Mask wearing, the chief way of slowing this virus” unless of course you’re celebrating the theft of an erection (I know, don’t correct me) or protesting with your BLM bros.
avatar for Bavarian
4 years ago
I am not a Trump-tard who refuses to wear a mask.
I gladly wear my mask at the club if that’s what it takes to keep “non-essential” businesses open.

I am proud to live in Texas ( we are number #1 in Covid cases) because nothing is locked down. Strip clubs in my area still allow dances and siting at the bar.

avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
When I heard yesterday that Dewiner was going to speak before the 6PM news I was thinking he was going to shut the state down then and now so right now it's not as bad as I thought it might be.
Regarding dancing, I believe he was referring to groups of people dancing on a dance floor at a party or regular club. A lone stripper on a stage doesn't fall into that category. A private dance may or may not.
We'll see how things play out in the next few days.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^^^ with cases rising I wonder how many more states will have similar restrictions and will these restrictions become more limiting in the coming weeks.

Seems inevitable it’s going to be a long dark winter - but what the fuck do I know, I haven’t been anywhere in 7 months.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
If it reverses the current trend of increasing cases I am all for it. Cases haven't been under 4,000 since the Nov 4 and 1,000 a day since Oct 4, the most recent being 6500 cases. That is completely out of control. If people would have used some common sense, Dewine would not need to shut down again.

I have been noticing many restaurants getting lax on the seating. Way more than 50% occupancy, tables much less than 6 feet apart. The main ones who are still following the rules are the chains like Olive Garden, Longhorn, O'Charlies, etc. Which is why my eating out preferences have lessened considerably. If the parking lot is full and it' not one of the restaurants that makes you wait outside, I drive by.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
I concur, I have seen non-compliance at family get togethers, small bars / restaurants and members only social clubs. Peeps are lax and / or defiant and this is the result. They'll be the loudest whiners when everything gets shut down. Hurry up Pfizer.... and the others.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
“Defiant” - yes I’ve seen a lot of that lately as well. Those people need to be a solution, not a problem!
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
People so afraid of death that they refuse to live deserve to be locked down. The idea that this will end with a "vaccine" is pure, unadulterated bullshit.
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