Synn COI Shutdown?
Probably in the VIP
SoCal friends, anyone know why Synn was shut down last night? Was it COVID? I heard Spearmint Rhino COI was struggling too? Just curious. I was thinking of going to Sahara Theatre tonight, but shutdowns always make me nervous
There has been stuff that was open over the past month or two because nobody noticed. Now that cases are spiking everywhere, clubs are getting shutdown one by one as those in charge of covid enforcement find them. If you know of a place that is open, keep it off public forums and enjoy while you can.
I know this site is meant to spread information but it may be a time where discretion is the better part of valor here. PM about things because you don't want to draw attention to clubs breaking rules.
Papi. In some states the state sets basic guidelines and counties then implement them as they see fit. Its mostly a way for politicians at the state level to pull a trump and avoid liability.
The major theme parks are pretty upset with mandates from the state and may end up in court. People have begun to get worn out on restrictions. In my area, schools are getting ready for a soft opening with students coming into the schools part time. Seems like suspicious timing to do this as cases are rising and the election passing soon.