I don’t get it, it’s been on cnn for the last week maybe, they’ve interviewed his staff, and trump was asked on Fox News. It’s that hard to share when your last negative test was? What’s the big secret? Then he is currently having a kkklan rally right now. He really has his supporters drinking that Jim Jones kool aid. This is bad, we need a change fast. He’s a bad president but a even more shit human.
Because it would reveal that a) he doesn't get tested regularly or nearly as often as he claims, and/or b) that he knew he was positive going into the debate.
Turnip says it isn't a big deal as to when his last negative test was taken. His doctor says it is of no importance. Except that...if he knew he was infected before the debate, is it possible that he was trying to infect Biden? Since Biden is out of office, would he have access to the same treatment as the Turnip? And knowing that he was infected and did not disclose it, would that be considered a criminal act?
Good thing Biden wears that mask, but it might not protect him from being rubbed in the face with a nerve agent that Turnip acquired from is buddy that practices the same kind of politics.
We all know the man's a moron, a racist, and everything else that's negative about real unity! He doesn't wanna show "'weakness" to his cult by admitting a negative test!
He's hiding it because it's still positive! He's the type MF that has sex with his wife when he knows that the hooker he raw dawgs just told him that she has chlamydia. What's worse is he'd divorce his wife afterwards and sue claiming damages from her giving it to him. #sumbag
Winex you woulda definitely died if Jim Jones told u to drink that shit. Clearly says “by his physician” no one believes that. That’s like me needing my homeboy to back my story when my girl ask where I was at last night. Go outside and experience life winex, clear as day you don’t and are easily fooled. No I didn’t read article Because Trump is an idiot.
last commentGood thing Biden wears that mask, but it might not protect him from being rubbed in the face with a nerve agent that Turnip acquired from is buddy that practices the same kind of politics.