
State of Michigan to start inspecting bars, etc., for Covid compliance

Avatar for NeverEnuf
NeverEnuf"That's why it's so great: People have to pay attention to you because you're naked," says dancer Breauna with a laugh.

This could spell trouble for some SC's:



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Avatar for mike710

Since Whitmer's husband asked for special treatment for his boat at a lake, he will probably want the task of inspecting the strip clubs himself.

Avatar for etsutwigg222

Whitner is welcome to come do an oral load test on me daily. That broad needs something in her mouth to keep her quiet.

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

The guy in Nevada, Sissolack or something just said the same thing yesterday about wanting "strict enforcement in bars." Sounds like this is coordinated. Nobody is supposed to socialize normally. The state will tell everyone how they can interact, assuming they even allow establishments to be open at all.

Avatar for Goodclubrep

It's refreshing and encouraging to hear that Michigan and Nevada have successfully eliminated all violent and property crime and can devote public resources to the enforcement of social distancing in bars, restaurants, and all types of clubs. I may just move to one of these super law enforcement success stories!!

Avatar for whodey

Still better than Kentucky that closed all the bars again this week.

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

I'm worn out on this Covid crap the second time around. I've thought the entire thing was BS from before the first lockdown even started and have never wavered from that position.

If people are afraid of this they can stay home. For those of us who look at the actual statistics and have concluded its basically overhyped BS, we should be allowed to do what we want. A 99.77 percent survival rate doesn't seem to warrant the excessive response and indefinite disruption to our lives and liberties.

I spent the first lockdown basically in a state of near rage most of the time that the government would be doing this to society. Then when things started getting somewhat back to normal it was like a weight had been lifted.

Now that the establishment is pulling this again, and it appears like they plan on it lasting until at least next year I really don't know what to feel. I'm mostly worn out on anger, but I am fighting off hatred toward the majority of people for falling for this a second time. The first time I blamed the government, this time I blame the sheep for going along with it again.

Avatar for NeverEnuf

@ Fuds. The devil is in the details. According to the clickondetroit article linked above the order says:

"Executive Order 2020-160 also orders that bars in every region, including those in regions 6 and 8, must close for indoor service if they earn more than 70 percent of their gross receipts from sales of alcoholic beverages.

This is the same as before. The loophole is the 70% cap on alcohol sales. They just have to sell a lot of food. Most SC's don't.

Here's a link to the actual order:


This woman must go. There is a petition circulating to kill the law that allows her to order us around willy-nilly. Sign it.

Avatar for carlo6

As far as I can tell, this EO does nothing new for strip clubs. Bars have already been closed in Detroit and most of the state. All the clubs still open at the moment are already technically operating as restaurants.

The 10 person limit on gatherings and events does not mean all restaurants are restricted to a total capacity of 10 people. It means a party of 10 is the limit for one party.

I’m kind of expecting another EO to come out Friday or Sunday night that tries to kill the restaurant loophole for strip clubs.

Avatar for bman66

That would be an interesting visit to Bogarts

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