No such thing as incels

avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
.....just mentally deficient men who refuse to stay in their league.


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avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Thank you for your admission OP.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
We need an expert opinion and perhaps @CC will check-in, soon.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Anyone can get laid unless they choose not to or simply don't make a genuine effort.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I could have had that job, but I didn't want it so I overslept......
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Fucking Special ed bitches are better than. Fucking pillows.

But reminds me of a regular at a club. He was 5 5 bowlegged stutters has a thick southern accent and is a Trump supporter but wants to date russian stripper hoes.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
IceyLoco is the definition of a male feminist simp. Hope you break your dependence on female approval someday. I know I used to be addicted to it and it fucking sucks. Now I am free and I’m about to get my very own 10/10 customized sex doll who I can fuck 4 times a day if I wish.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Incel Loco.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I'm a simp for getting laid and youre free for fucking inanimate objects?

I like female approval. I love the feeling of stripper hoes grabbing my butt lifting my shirt up. Fun times in clubs.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Yes you're a simp because you're selling out your fellow men by groveling for women's approval. Women are practically drowning in free male attention right now which is giving them unreasonably high standards and men like you are just making it worse. I'm free because I found out a way to have as much sex as I want with a beautiful girl and I don't even need a feminist stamp of approval to get it. The system didn't work, I found a way around it.

Women are basically spoiled by male attention because of all the guys out there who are willing to do anything to get their approval. If more guys did what I did, and men stopped giving them the attention they need, women would be forced to actually improve themselves instead of constantly demanding that men's standards get lower and that men get better and better while women's attitudes get worse and their bodies get fatter.

I'm not going to respect people who don't respect me. If women want men's attention and affection back then they need to show us some, and start respecting us again. I am not going to enable the awful attitudes of liberal women by giving them attention for free. I will only give my attention and affection when I meet a woman who actually does respect men and in the mean time, I can fulfill my sexual needs with my sex doll.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
CC should be revealing this stuff about sex dolls to his therapist. He should also inquire why a kid in his early 20s hangs out with the AARP crowd on a stripper forum.
avatar for jvTroop
5 years ago
Good for you CC99. Keep acting wierd like that and scaring the shit out of the girls so they come running to manly men like me. You make it so easy for me! Thanks bro! And, thanks for fucking a sex doll and not breeding
avatar for jvTroop
5 years ago
Brb, going to stock my dick on a donut
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
jvtroop, which donut feels better, dunkin, krispy kreme or entenmann's?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I don't grovel for women. When women are interested in you they give you attention and want to be with you. They act feminine and treat you like a man.

Yeah they get a lot of attention but most are insecure af. Its not about giving them attention its about how you make them feel.

Whether you want to believe it or not you need social skills to get on in the world.

Fucking inanimate objects isn't the solution to rejection
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Rejection is a part of life. You don't want to fuck everyone not everyone wants to fuck you
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
i actually am going to laud CC99's version of men going their own way. the guy is man enough to admit how he feels on a public board like this. bottom line is it makes him happy with what he's doing. yeah the plastic doll thing is kind odd but hey no headaches of many kinds. the doll won't talk back, won't take away any of your assets, won't fuck with your independence.

at least from what i gather from reading CC's posts i don't think he's like those incels. have any of you ever visit an incel board and see what those fuckers type up? incubator for perpetrators of massive amounts of excessive violence and fatalities.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago

I appreciate the open minded post.

Its true, if anything my forray into "incel politics" you might say came from my frustration over the mixture of violence and sex. As many of my previous posts here (which I got made fun of) indicated. The only kind of sex that turns me on is gentle, traditional sex. I am admittedly completely close minded to any kind of sex that isn't like that. I am an extremely horny person. I'm literally one of the horniest people I have ever met in my life, yet I have also never met anybody with my sex drive who is as unadventurous in bed as I am.

My taste in sex is exactly like my taste in food. There are exactly two types on food I like, and if I could, I'd eat those two meals for the rest of my life. The same is true of sex, I know exactly what I like, and that is exactly one type of way of having sex and nothing else in the entire world of sex turns me on. But that one specific thing does to an extreme extent. I don't get any pleasure out of blowjobs, or anal sex, or anything remotely kinky. The only thing about me that is remotely adventurous is my desire to have sex with girls wearing different kinds of outfits like schoolgirl outfits, cheerleader outfits, denim shorts, bikinis, stuff like that.

So how am I going to find a woman that wants lots and lots of sex and will fulfill that need of mine but is not kinky or promiscuous? They basically don't exist. And that's been the root of my frustration for several years now was realizing that my type of woman is extremely rare and there's a good chance I'll never find her. So my only option is to just make one. The alternative is risking a messy divorce that will take away half my assets and ruin my life because I tried to make something work that simply won't work.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Sorry, there are four meals I like ;). I could rotate between those four meals forever.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
I'll also admit that I just don't get women. I desire predictability in my life and I can't predict anything women will say or do. I can very accurately predict what men will do, even if I argue and have a fight with a male friend, I seem to know how to recover the friendship. Women are wild cards, they seem to love you one day and hate you the next. Say one thing that ticks them off and they hate you with an intensity that I've never seen burn even remotely as intensely in guys. I can't deal with that. Its too confusing and it feels too risky for me because I am very opinionated and say whatever comes to mind. I need stability in my relationships with people, I need to be able to predict with some kind of accuracy how they will respond to my actions, and I need to be around people who are not easily offended, and I don't feel like I can accurately predict anything women will do. They are often very easily offended and if they get offended enough, they really really hate you. Three times now I've had a close friendship with a girl who eventually fucking despised me. We can argue the reasons for why, whether its my fault or hers, but that would be pointless, the fact is, my close friendships with women always fail. And they don't just fail, they go down like a burning bridge destined straight for hell. What kind of idiot am I to think that a romantic relationship with a girl would ever succeed if I can't even have successful close friendships with one that don't end with us hating each other?

I simply feel often times that relationships with actual, live women, are too risky. And the fact that I've always wanted one so badly I feel like should be seen as a testament to how risky I actually think they are. Not only are they risky, but I have no faith that I am even capable of a close relationship with women.

Also, I will admit that I sometimes intentionally make my posts sound creepier than I really feel just because it gets me attention and I am subconsciously obsessed with entertaining people by putting on a wild performance even if it comes at my own expense. Sorry about that.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
So get therapy.

Look relationships are a 2 way thing. Both parties have to compromise to make them work. You have to build your social skills and start thinking of women as people instead of like slaves or sex dolls.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago

CC99 said "So how am I going to find a woman that wants lots and lots of sex and will fulfill that need of mine but is not kinky or promiscuous? They basically don't exist. And that's been the root of my frustration for several years now was realizing that my type of woman is extremely rare and there's a good chance I'll never find her. So my only option is to just make one. The alternative is risking a messy divorce that will take away half my assets and ruin my life because I tried to make something work that simply won't work."

CC99, you are such a smart boy, but you still lack guidance. The only thing you have not figured is that guys are waaaay more fun! Call me and we can try some new things!!! I will break you in!!! It will be fun!!!

Then CC99 Said, "The only thing about me that is remotely adventurous is my desire to have sex with girls wearing different kinds of outfits like schoolgirl outfits, cheerleader outfits, denim shorts, bikinis, stuff like that."

@CC99 I have all those outfits! Tell me which one you want to see first and we can set up a date! The first date will be half price!
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
IceyLoco is right, you need some therapy. I will penis therapy you
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
I've dated a couple women who wanted lots and lots of sex but were not promiscuous or kinky. As someone who is kinky it normally went fine at the start but didn't last. I know plenty of women who don't enjoy giving head (and plenty who do).

Icey is right though you gotta play within your league and if you're not happy with what you're pulling the issue is you. I've definitely seen dudes who in college had an Unreasonably Hot Girlfriend they are unable to match yet keep trying. Or guys who could pull 8s and 9s in college when the dude worked out 5 times a week and was young and fit and 50 pounds later still expects to pull the same type of girl.

In my civvy life I love 5s and 6s. They are grateful and usually quite suggestible and two 5s together is a 10!
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I see two guys who will be paying future child support to 3's while living in a cardboard box and CC ain't one of them.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago

Given this is a fair and reasonable post I’ll respond.

I don’t think most TUSCL men understand how much things have changed since they were in college. I know that’s an excuse a lot of young people use but this one is actually backed up by scientific proof.

Let’s say you went to college in 2005 for example. People who went to college in 2018 are statistically almost three times as likely to be sexless as people who went to college in 2005. People in college in 2018 are actually 3.5 times more likely to be sexless than people in 2008.

The variation that I see in the 2000s could simply be attributable to normal variation between scientific studies. I doubt there was really anything making 2008 easier than 2005 but there is a really steep curve that started around 2013 or so showing things get significantly more difficult every year after that.

This may seem like something one should be able to overcome but the thing is, making things 3.5x more difficult doesn’t just mean less success. It means huge swaths if young men are having no success at all anymore.

Believe it or not I am not among the least successful men at my college. I’ve known several people there that have had no sex or success whatsoever in the years they’ve been there. I’ve actually made out with a lot of girls at the parties I went to. That’s something those guys couldn’t do.

What this tells me is that socio-cultural factors are making it unreasonably difficult. Even a lot of famous PUA type guys are throwing in the towel nowadays because they are saying it’s so much harder now than it was when they were younger and that the younger guys they meet are all having a much more difficult time and having to work harder than people in their day did.

The main reason I’m so vocal is actually because I refuse to “accept my place” so to speak the way a lot of guys I’ve met who are in my position say. I will meet my goal no matter what it takes and a sex doll is part of that.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
I never understood the old phrase, "If you want a successful relationship/marriage you've got to 'work' at it." Work sucks. Who the hell wants to work all day, then come home and keep on working?

Managing a long-term relationship is like mowing the lawn. Sure, it's great to have a nice lawn when you're relaxing with a cold beer, or when you invite your neighbor over for a cook-out just so you can ogle his slutty wife's gazangas. But eventually you've gotta do work to maintain it, and that sucks.

The difference is that you can hire a guy to cut your lawn. There ought to be a guy you could hire to come over and fight with your wife every time she's in a pissy mood. Now THAT would be a huge advancement in relationship psychology.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ I’ll bet skibum would do that job for free he would fight with himself over a stop sign lol
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
“Success” is a very personal and subjective term. A dude who likes the thrill of the hunt and has a high sex drive may need at least 3-5 partners a month to feel successful. Another dude is just fine focusing on other things in life until his priorities change.

Somebody who constantly bitches about things that are unfair, by their own standards, is not successful as far as women goes no matter how many make outs or intercourse happens.

Granted. There’s been a bazillion headlines about less sexual activity among younger people. And there’s a lot of facts that line up that it’s tougher compared to previous generations. But tough doesn’t mean impossible.

Btw, a lot of pick up artists cycle through due to burn out more than anything. Idk what’s up with that odd statement.

It’s tougher for a black person to reach socioeconomic goals, but not impossible like many BLM would like to claim. And it’s also tougher for a gen Z dude to reach sexual goals, but not impossible like CC or incel or Red Pill types would like to claim either.

Speaking of success, kudos to Icey getting the troll going again. Wonder if I’m still on ignore 🤣
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
...And it appears not 😝
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The problem isn't that people are having less sex. Its more like theyre getting more socially retarded and lacking the ability to initiate or cope with sex.

Its always been the same and always will. If people are attracted to each other and get along. Sex comes naturally.

It takes minimal effort to fuck but a relationship does take compromise
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Time to educate some posters. Working for it simply means putting in the same effort you did when you were dating her. You didn't equate that with work because you wanted her to like you. I sit in my office day after day (by the way thank you Covid - you made my business explode) and time after time again I wonder why when people are dating they want the other side to find them sexy, smart, attractive, funny, successful, caring, wonderful etc. and will do anything and everything to accomplish that and yet once there is a commitment they simply stop making the effort to make the other person still feel that way. Dating isn't an effort? Bullshit, its actually more effort to get someone than to keep someone. By the way the same people who pompously proclaim in my office how they "will never make a commitment and get married", always seem to be the same people who without marriage sign up for 23 years of legal fess and a lifetime of misery in a paternity situation.
I lived in a frat when the drinking age was 18; then in apts with my friends during the cocaine and money fueled 80's so I get sex and dating: A long term relationship with someone you enjoy sex and hanging out with is just better.
3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
"just mentally deficient men who refuse to stay in their league."

No I don't go along with this, not ~mentally deficient~ or these ~leagues~

I don't think the Incel concept is an absolute, but that is how these people see it. So we should not be dismissive.

What is really going on needs further scrutiny.

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