
Las Vegas Bikini Bars

Avatar for lotsoffun201
lotsoffun201Vegas Baby

Well well, seems like two places are going to try opening up. I doubt this will last, as I’m betting our governor shuts the city down again after the July 4th holiday with the rise in positive tests.



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Avatar for Meursault

Bikini Lives Matter, keep them open as a protest. Experts assure us that as long as you are protesting or looting there is no risk of spreading the virus.

Avatar for whodey

Meursault are you saying we should loot the bikinis to help set the titties free?

Avatar for Icey

Vegas needs to shut down. The casinos' greed is criminal negligence. I'm happy about the lawsuits.

That said. Palomino and Chicas Bonitas are bikini bars in name only..... Theyre taking the LA club model and pushing girls to sell VIP sessions for more intimate non dancing non stripping socially distanced interaction wink wink

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