Alt Right, Pepe the Frog, Something Awful, Anime, 4chan, Tulpas, KEK, Brietbart

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Alt Right, Pepe the Frog, Something Awful, Anime, 4chan, Tulpas, KEK, Brietbart News, Norman Vincent Peale

Dark Star Rising : Magick and Power in the Age of Trump, by Gary Lachman……

Reading from page 78ff

Read Anything Gary Lachman has written.…



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Why not read about how progressive democrats in NY/NJ are murdering Jews and people like you are to blame.
I have read about these tragic recent killings. Of course I totally oppose it and never to anything to promote antisemitism or hate crimes.…

So from page 78ff

... is the brainchild of white supremacist Richard Spencer, and it came to global prominence when Hillary Clinton inadvertently gave it the best publicity it could ask for. In her campaign speech in Reno, Nevada, on August 25, 2016, Clinton spoke out against her opponent, Donald Trump. She accused him of basing his campaign on "prejudice and paranoia," of supporting anti-Semitism and white nationalism, and of bringing what had until then been a "paranoid fringe" in American politics into the mainstream. This "paranoid fringe," in American politics into the mainstream.

This "paranoid fringe," she said, was the "alt-right," or "alternative right," a "loosely organized movement, mostly online," that--as she quoted from The Wall Street Journal--"rejects mainstream conservatism, promotes nationalism and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity." They call themselves "racialists" rather than "racists" and speak of "white nationalism" rather than "white supremacy,"....

Steve Bannon, who through the right-wing website, gave the alt-right a place to air its views. ....

Through this she believed that "a fringe element has effectively taken over the Republican Party."


part of a "rising tide of hard-line, right wing nationalism around the world."

She included in this the far right British politician Nigel Farage and Vladimir Putin.

"There's always been a paranoid fringe in our politics,"..."But it's never had the nominee of a major party stoking it, encouraging it, and giving it a national megaphone."


Clinton spoke out against Trump's endorsement of conspiracy theories and his intransigence when criticized for accepting the support of people like David Duke, head of the KKK. She complained of his retweeting white supremacist propaganda and giving his approval to the ideas of talk show host Alex Jones of InfoWars infamy....

Richard Spencer ... watched Clinton's speech in a hotel room in Tokyo. .... spreading the alt-right word since 2008.

(a campaign to destabilize President Obama. )

To Be Continued


Yes live at the Rainbow Theatre 1972…

Yes - Yours Is No Disgrace - Live at Beat-Club - 1971 - Remastered…

2 Live Crew - me so horny…
Dark Star Rising : Magick and Power in the Age of Trump, by Gary Lachman


Both Hitler and Mussolini wanted people to believe in them, and both found that fhis was precisely what many people wanted to do. They, it seemed, were made for each other. ow Hitler and Mussolini got millions of people to believe in them was by believing in themselves an d their respective causes, in Hitler's case National Socialism and in Mussolini's fascism. They did not win this believing through argument, persuasive reasoning, or a convincing display of facts. They didn't force people to believe nor did they buy their compliance. Something much deeper and more immediate was at work. Something that is a part of the very fabric of our being.

Mussolini and Hitler gathered the masses beind them by fulfilling a need, a very powerful one, and also by meeting a desire. The need is to believe that our lives have some meaning and purpose beyond that of fulfilling our basic animal appetites. This is the essence of all religion. We need to feel there is some reason for our existence. This lack of belief leads to nihilism, that belief in nothing, a condition that postmodernism seems to hvae saddled us with today. Man, we know, does not live by bread alone; if he did, any feasible plan for the equitable distribution of the planet's resources would solve the world's problems overnight. As George Orwell, a witness to the rise of populist demagogues in pre-World War II Europe, "Hitler...knows that human beings don't only want comfort, safety, short working hours, hygiene, birth control and, in general, common sense; they also want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty parades."

... Hitler and Mussolini were adept at providing many people in Germany and Italy with the sense that they belonged to some larger reality beyond their everyday lives. This is why all attempts to explain Hitler's success through economic, class, or some other "rational" reason are ultimately inadequate. They leave what we might call the "existential" element out of their reckoning, the need for a meaning to life more significant that a full stomach.
The desire Hitler and Mussolini met in millions of people was a simple one: to be free of the burden of giving meaning to their lives themselves, of fulfilling their hunger for "struggle and self-sacrifice," for some greater purpose than the satisfaction of their own appetites, though their own efforts.

There seems to be an inverse ration between a people's lack of self-belief, and the enthusiasm with which they embrace a belief in someone else, provided he displays enough self-belief to fill the void within them. The examples above refer to how "charismatic leaders," as the sociologist Max Weber called them, do precisely this. For Weber such figures are set apart from ordinary men and are often seen as superhuman or supernatural. Charisma is of Greek origin and means a "gift of grace."

Then it goes into endorsement of a book I have long admired, "Feet of Clay" by Anthony Storr.…


Jewish Community Denounces Anti-Semitic Attacks Fueled by a “White Nationalist Administration”…

First Lady of the World: Eleanor Roosevelt’s Impact on New Deal to U.N. Declaration of Human Rights…

Zion SRT…

Whitesnake - Still of the Night…

so page 60ff Lachman writes:

Power is perhaps the greatest intoxicant because it is linked to the feeling of life itself. Nietzsche knew this, and it helped him to outgrow Schopenhauer's pessimism. "What is goo?" he asks in The Antichrist.

All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man.

What is bad? -- All that proceeds from weakness.

What is happiness? -- The feeling that power increases -- that a resistance is overcome.

Nietzsche's rhetoric is powerful itself and is too often quoted out of context to support attitudes and beliefs he did not share; that is an occupational hazard of a good writer. Nietzsche is not advocationg power over others, as he is often said to be, but power over oneself. Life Nietzsche tells us, is that "which must overcome itself again and again." His Ubermensch -- usually mistranslated as "superman" -- is not a demigod or a member of a master race lording it over the rest of us, but someone who has "overcome" himself, an "overman." When Nietzsche's prophet Zarathustra addresses the people in the market place and says that "as long as I can conceive of something better than myself I cannot be unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it." The greatest sense of power comes from overcoming one's own weaknesses and strengths, from growing beyond oneself. This is what creative evolution is about.

(Creative Evolution is the title of a work by Henri Bergson. Lachman has to know this. )

But Nietzsche the psychologist knows that often this will to power finds other more immediately stimulating channels and that it is all to easy to develop the habit of following those rather than developing the more legitimate means of heightening our sense of power, that is of growth. Indeed, one sign of self-mastery is that one outgrows the temptation to get a quick, cheap thrill at the expense of one's development.

As Colin Wilson discovered, one of the avenues for this is sex.

so page 86ff Lachman writes:

4chan grew out of an earlier internet message board called Something Awful. This was mostly concerned with Japanese anime, and allowed for anonymous nonstop posting. When Christopher Poole, a fifteen - year - old anime fan and Something Awful user, adapted this Japanese bulletin board software, 4chan was born.

Soon into its existence 4chan became a kind of breeding ground for a form of pop nihilism characteristic of postmodernism, although the teenagers "living in their parents' basements" - as 4chan users describe themselves - most likely never heard of postmodernism. Millennial "whateverism" slid into a peevishly sour irony, a kind of personal "plausible deniability" aimed at everything at large. It was the standard adolescent shrug at the elders, but now it had a wider brief and greater reach. What used to turn up on toilet stall walls found a new life as electronic graffiti. It was a kind of cyber Fight Club scenario with a shared ethos "to hate, to deny, to shrug, to laugh at everything as a joke." Users were most likely unaware of postmodernism, but they were certainly expressions of it.

Chaos magick suggests saying "outrageous" things as part of its "shock tactic" approach to enhancing "personal power." 4chan users did the same. The easiest way to be shocking today is to go against political correctness, just as the easiest way to be authoritarian is to go with it. Trump didn't give a hang about being PC and that's why he became a hero of 4chaners. A kind of introverted cyber bully personality emerged from this, a character withdrawn from the world and taking pot shots at it from the safety of his parent's basement. The "anything goes" atmosphere of 4chan allowed users to express as many politically incorrect sentiments as they wanted, with racist and anti-Semitic ones topping the bill. As one 4chan user remarked, it was a "bullying and anarchic society of adolescent boys," suffering from what the Japanese call hikikomori, a "pulling inward" and "being confined" within a world of video games and chat lines. Or as another user remarked, "Here you'll find the lonely and depressed, the socially inept, the generaltional dropouts, and all shades of disenfranchised youth." It was a space open to an "underdog mentality," where "society's status quo is mercilessly challenged." It was a space given over to chaos.


Leonard Cohen, The Partisan (Live in Spain, 1988, Basque Country)…

Mark Knopfler - Brothers In Arms (Berlin 2007 | Official Live Video)…

Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three different Ones)…

Pleaser Black or Red…


continuing page 94

" writer Milo Yiannopoulos cam to prminence ... and he promoted a conspiracy theory known as "Gamergate" that started in 2014. This was centered around the idea that a few feminists in the video game industry-- aka "social justice warriors"--appalled it its supposedly overly masculine character were using games to promote a gender-equality agenda and that journalists in the industry were colluding with this. It was a techno-tempest in a teapot, but it led to online harassment, much abuse, even death threats, and gave the alt-right community another target it its campaign to reveal the truth about liberalism and its progressive aims.


Leonard Cohen - The Partisan - 1969, Paris…

Leonard Cohen, The Partisan (Live in Spain, 1988, Basque Country)…

Mark Knopfler - Brothers In Arms (Berlin 2007 | Official Live Video)…

Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three different Ones)…

Pleaser Black or Red…


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